Good morning #4amclub
This post is almost like a public service announcement. It comes from experience, it comes from years of having great mentors, and it comes from moments of self reflection.
Many people don’t care about legacy. It’s almost become ‘cool’ to say “Fuck Legacy. You’re Dead anyways, so who cares. Live life now”
I care about “Legacy”, because who I am, who I will be remembered as does impact and reflect on my children and loved ones. The one item I want to leave behind as my #legacy, is that I be remembered as an honest and honourable man. People remember me as a person who maintained his #integrity; a handshake with Zeeshan Farooq was stronger than a bounded contract signed in the court of law.
As the year comes to an end, as pressures mount for all my fellow #salesprofessionals, please remember, your customers and peers won’t remember you for crushing your quota, they will remember you for your #behavior. It can be tempting to push harder than usual, lean on people harder than usual when quarter objectives are seeming to be the only thing that matters, but as much as you are tempted, please remember: successful sales professionals are those who are genuine in their intentions, and who have the intent to help their customers. Period!
Our customers know we are in sales. They know we have incentives, and quarterly objectives. That’s the beauty of a Sales Title in your business card. What’s at stake for you is always evident. But something that we need to create more value in, is showing our customers that we have objectives to hit, and we will hit them while helping our customers achieve what they need to achieve. As long as you believe in what you are #selling, helping customers becomes easy. I started my career at a small biotech in Montreal, which was then purchased by #QIAGEN. In total I stayed at QIAGEN for almost a decade. It was easy to be at QIAGEN for almost a decade, because the products are truly superior than what the competition was selling. So I could help my customers. Now I am blessed to be at #Fluidigm for over 5.5 years, and it’s fun, and I’m proud of what I sell #masscytometry #cytof #hyperion. It’s far superior than what is out there, and I believe that. So being of service and value to my customers is easy, because I believe in the product.
As an employee, I have a commitment to do everything I can to achieve #quota. That is my job and my responsibility. Also, as a sales professional, my job is to be the best version of Zeeshan Farooq, Sales Professional.
So remember, when your getting hounded about deals, being asked to “map out the process” for the 15millionth time, you’re just being asked to give confidence that the number will be hit. Know your customers, know the opportunity, know the account. Push a bit, it’s okay. But do not forget to continuously focus on the major objective, be of service, be helpful and maintain your identity and your professionalism.
Happy #Friday my Friends! Enjoy your loved ones. And Remember, #FOCUS and #BREATHE