Focus Your Will…
We live in an era where the training of the will is a forgotten art and the loss of this great gift leaves us vulnerable to the vague whims of social media and unable to maintain our powers of concentration. Is this something you’ve noticed? The research confirms that we are finding it increasingly difficult to focus our minds and bring our attention to a single point of intensity. Yet, throughout human history, this ability was valued as a precious commodity that singled out individuals for positions of power and influence. Training the mind as an athlete trained the body was considered to be an essential element in an individual’s education. Perhaps our ancestors were more aware of the importance of the will as an instrument for exercising greater control over our lives. Have you ever followed the pathway of training your will? If not, the good news is that it’s never too late to start.
In the Eastern traditions of meditation, the practitioner was encouraged to focus on one thought so that all other thoughts and feelings were excluded from the mental landscape. Like all worthwhile endeavours, this exercise requires practice and repetition and, in time, the rewards reveal themselves as a wonderful ability to concentrate without effort. In times of difficulty, for example, a simple suggestion of calm enables your entire organism to become peaceful, centred, balanced and aware. With regular training, the mind will follow the gentle guidance of your will and become a formidable asset in maintaining your health, happiness, composure and inner balance.
Fortunately, the art of honing your will is to avoid the temptation of forcing your mind to obey. A gentle approach, reinforced by regular repetition, will coax your thoughts into a more orderly form of expression until you will be free to choose how you think and feel. Imagine for a moment how much difference this will make to the quality of your life. To remove the internal resistance that so often blocks or contradicts your positive desires and aspirations. To detach yourself from old, outdated and harmful behaviours. To influence your body and gently guide it to feel healthy, strong, energised and wonderfully balanced. If everything is connected and our thoughts have the potential to influence our bodies even to the level of cellular function, then now is the time to bring our mental and emotional energy into alignment with our health and wellbeing needs. Begin your personal revolution today and turn your will into a laser-sharp instrument for shaping your life and your future.