Focus On Your Goals
"It's hard not to fool yourself. Everyone tells you how they are going to be special, but few do the work to get there. DO THE WORK." - Mark Cuban
How does one stay focused on their goals when the going gets tough? We have all had to overcome adversity and have faced struggles in one way or another. Our true character comes out with how we react. Be proactive, not reactive. Spend time on focusing on your goals and do not judge yourself. You will make it and you are a rockstar! What is the downfall though? Why do we lose focus on our goals? I believe it is multi-tasking and making excuses. Let me explain. Multi-tasking often results in busywork. Meaning, doing so much, but accomplishing nothing. Our brains get an emotional high when we are multi-tasking because we believe we are being productive. Sure, focusing on more than one task at a time may benefit some of us with other areas of our work, but rarely does it benefit anything or anyone when it comes to your goals. There is nothing to explain when it comes to making excuses. As Michael Jordan says, "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something, but I cannot accept not trying." Go after it! Let's go over a few steps that have worked for me and other professionals I work closely with.
- Make FEWER Decisions: What? Why would you do such a thing? Look, we make hundreds of decisions per day. Stop focusing on a million things at once! Decide to focus on one or two things at a time. You will accomplish much more when you decide to focus on the things that move you forward. Brain fatigue is real. It's not great. Try this and see if you end up staying more focused!
- Rid of Distractions: Oh yeah. The beautiful distraction(s) that drift our minds into oblivion. I am not a zen master here. But distractions are serious. Say no to the things that do not benefit your well being. You will be miserable if you take on more than you can handle. You know yourself better than anyone. Listen to your gut and stay focused on the tasks that will change your life for the better.
- Write Your Goals Out Already: Remember those New Years Resolution goals? Do people even do that anymore? Seriously, write those goals out on your wall, bathroom mirror, at your desk, wherever. It's kind of awesome to cross them off when you knock one out too. There's a good chance you will be focusing on the next goal of yours in no time.
- Act Like It's Already Your Reality: I recently read The Science of Getting Rich by Walter Wattles. The book has been around for centuries and the main focus point was how to overcome mental challenges and how to attract wealth. The principles are powerful even if you do not fully believe in them. Think about it. How many times have you been focused on negative things that have happened in the past and bad things just keep coming your way. Remain focused on the positive and keep your plan in mind.
Remaining focused on your goals is not an easy task. If it was, most people would be accomplishing milestones left and right. According to research, 92% of people do not accomplish their goals while 8% do. No one is born in to the 8 percentile. We are all capable of the same things. Your road may be more difficult than someone else's, but let that inspire you and others. When you achieve what you are aiming for, keep going. I wish you continued success and blessings.