Focus on your efforts
Chander Shankar
Making a difference via coaching, mentoring and creating excellence.
Can you remember the last time when working in a team, despite your best efforts, you were unable to deliver your project on time because of external factors?
Have you missed a bus or train even though you tried your best??If you plant a flower seed in your garden, can you guarantee that it will blossom?
As the great author and speaker, Dr Wayne Dyer, has said, the universe is going on at the perfect pace. Everything is happening according to how it should be.?There is a balancing force in nature. A rose bush cannot grow lilies. The trees will always grow upwards. River water will always be sweet, and seawater will always be salty. It's balanced and perfect the way it should be.?
?Similarly, in our lives, everything is happening in perfect balance. Our wishes and desires have no end. That doesn't mean that we will not get everything we need.?We have to believe that the universe will give us everything we need so that we can get everything we want.?
What matters is that we continue to take action. We give our best efforts and be fully committed to everything we do. It's obvious that the fruits of our labour aren't always in our control. However, the satisfaction of giving 100% will always be there.?
Remember how everything eventually turned up okay in the long run? Our high expectations from ourselves and others, and false beliefs that we can control our actions, are the culprits here.?
Our experiences are our best teachers and?the learnings we have had from our past failures, can only empower us for a brighter future.?
If not already, let's start trusting in the power of God and the Universe now. The meaning of life is to create balance. Let’s believe that when we focus on our actions,? results will come. Let's understand that If it's not per our expectations, then it wasn't meant to be.?
Self-Reflection Tips