??????????????????????????????????????????????? It is so easy to become lost in what we cannot do, or do not have. You will hear statements like “if only I could drive, if only I had this or that amount.” For me, as a visually impaired journalist, it would go something like; “I wish I could edit videos, I wish I could use the camera like other journalists.”

??????????????????????????????? While it is completely human to think of that which is outside our region of competence, even with an ounce of envy, over dwelling on it can just be our undoing. When we become so focused on that which we cannot do, or on that which we do not have, it blinds us from seeing that which we can do, or that which we have. For instance, while I cannot use the camera, or fully work with video, I have a great voice that many are dying to hear. I have incredible writing, editing, interviewing, storytelling, research and digital skills. The question is, what have I done with those skills?

??????????????????????????????? In Mathew 25, Jesus presents a compelling parable that rings true here. The ‘Parable of the Talents,’ as it is known, tells the story of a master who, before embarking on a journey, decides to entrust his three servants with talents. To one he gives five, to another he gives two, and to the last he ?gives one.

When he departs, the servants with five and two talents decide to invest their talents, while the other servant, thinking his master wicked and unsatisfied with what he has received, decides to bury it. Those who invested their talents, we’re told, doubled them before their master’s return. But the servant who did nothing with his, the servant who spent his time complaining and wishing he had more, remained with just that one talent he had received. Even worst, the master seized it and gave to the servant who had doubled his five talents.

??????????????????????????????? Too often, we spend our time worrying over that which we lack, instead of making the most of that which we have. We try to covet the expressions of others, instead of realizing that we have not been sent to this world empty. If only we focused more on what we can do. If only we focused more on what we have. If only we focused more on what we can control, then our lives will be better, happier, and more fulfilling.

??????????????? In my experience, it is when we’re intentionally developing and deploying our gifts that more are unlocked. It is when we’re making the most of that which we know, that which we have, that which we can do, that the floodgate of more is opened.

??????????????? The master, while commending his servants who had doubled their talents, said, “because you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.” Are we being faithful over that which ?we have/can do?

??????????????? Many of us were born leaders, but will die beggars. Why? Because we keep looking outside, envying others instead of developing that which we possess. We keep seeing others as great, mighty achievers, and telling ourselves that we can only unlock our own greatness when we’ve known that which they’ve known, had that which they’ve had, and done that which they’ve done.

??????????????? This is it, dear one. If you’ve done nothing with that which is within your region of competence now, more will always evade you. What you need is not the next book, the next conference, the next course, the next skill, the next tool. First focus on making the most of that which is within your region of competence.

Yes, you want to be the world’s greatest digital marketer, but you cannot afford the premium course that everybody is recommending. Dear, there are a lot of free courses online. What have you done with them? It’s true that you don’t have the powers and connections to secure a role at your idolized company. But you can volunteer, gain skills, design a good CV, and use professional social networks like LinkedIn to market yourself. Have you done those?

??????????????? ??????????????? When I decided to host the Career Clarity Seminar for Advance Level Holders this year, I knew I didn’t have the money to put together a massive event. I couldn’t even afford to buy water for the speakers. But I had ideas, I had people, I had a free space that I could use. I could reach out to people and ask them to come share their experiences with the students. Some would refuse, but there would also be those who would agree.

??????????????? In Luke 16:10, we’re told that one who is faithful in little will also be faithful in very much, and one who is dishonest in little will also be dishonest in very much. I have a simple theory for life: More is a response to what we’ve done with what we have. In the ‘Parable of the Talents,’ we’re told that the master gave to each according to his abilities. But abilities are elastic. The more you use them, the farther they extend. So, this week, focus on maximizing that which you know, have, and can do. As Nigeria’s John Obidi says, “use what you have, for what you have is plenty.”

Got it?


Azemchop Idris-Valerie

Jurist | LL.M Compliance| LL.M Corporate Law| LL.B Law| Prime Ministerial Excellence Award| Dean's Award

6 个月

Great perspective!



