Focus on something outside of yourself
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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We have seen that in general people do place too much of an importance on appearance, without being willing to look past what they see and continue to make assumptions on things they have no idea about. It has become the “norm” to just look without asking questions about what it is that you have seen. The lack of critical thinking is major, the ignorance that seeps into modern society. Some find it easier to judge than it is to think, and that shouldn’t be.
Actually mostly people like looking at things outside their circle of influence, right? So why not focus on what it is that you see instead of what you can feel? To a degree people don’t have much of a choice weather or not to “see” the external,it is all that we have to draw initial conclusions on anyone or anything because mainly people tend to be self centred.
I think most people don’t like to feel. I say that because look at everything around you, constant distraction from yourself and those around you. Being absorbed into the ecosystem instead of becoming apart of it, working in conjugation to achieve greater things. Instead most are pitying themselves to no end, judging other for what they themselves were not able to accomplish.
We are comprised of various layers inside of our being. The topmost layer is to avoid becoming aware of our 'internal conflicts'. Our sense of identity is created by maintaining conflict, internally a or externally. The Conflict is painful and one tool for escaping it is to focus externally. The next layer below this is to avoid a 'sense of emptiness', nothingness, or meaninglessness. At this level, none of us actually knows anything that matters to us: who we are or what anything is for.
The final layer below that is to experience ourselves as separate. More than anything else almost that we want to be separate. The layer below that is what happens when we give up wanting to be separate. There is nothing to be said about this other than "look for yourself."
The crux of the matter here is that, there are many other things to distract the focus of people from the main thing which actually matters. There is a heavy impact of advertising and marketing to brain wash the people, so it becomes very difficult to judge the thing that which one are actually matters. Sometimes there is a lack of knowledge about whole thing. That leads to missing out on things which actually matter.
There is always an intention behind anything which a person is doing. Things go wrong if that intention is not served satisfactorily and a person try to divert the situation and neglect those things which actually matter. Sometimes it just seems that people are not focusing on the things which matter but actually they are leaving more to the destiny.
People nowadays tend to focus way too much on their appearance for some reasons, on how will they look in public. We are all aware that discrimination is very common in the society that we live in, and some of us are afraid to get discriminated by others so they pay attention to how will we look appealing.
In our everyday life, we go out and face different kind of people we don't know and because most people are too judgemental since others can only look on your outer appearance, you should be presentable so in that way there's less bad impression about you because no matter what we do, there will always be people who will throw bad impressions.
Not only because of discrimination but our social life also, whether you admit or not, people like girls/boys with a good external appearance, and they don't care about the inner beauty her I am not claiming that all people think this way but only very few exist in this type too. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre
Founding Member and Director
4 年Kishore Shintre, if we are true so ourselves then we outshine all. I personally feel good when I look good. But I am not shallow, daft neither vain.