Focus on the road. Not the curb.
David James
Writer. Educator. Coach. Professor at Hult International Business School. I am ChatGPT free.
Whether you’re leading teams, running a business or managing your life, focus is vital. Keeping the main thing the main thing, and never forgetting that, is hard with all the irrelevant distractions thrown our way all day. It is so easy to become distracted with other peoples’ agendas and ‘needs.’
Our feeling of obligation.
Obligation to help others before we sort ourselves is an obligation we make to ourselves rather than the ones we think we’re helping. Most of the time the people we are helping don’t need our help, and often they don’t even ask for it. We just assume they do. We butt-in, interrupt and meddle.
It’s an effective form of distraction, a subtle type of procrastination veiled under the excuse of helping others. A way of not doing what we should be doing. It becomes and excuse and a block on achieving things.
We are focusing on the kerb not the road. The road is taking us in a direction we want to go. The kerb abruptly brings us to a halt. Again and again.
What you focus on tends to be what you find. So focus on the road ahead.
Be disciplined. You owe it to yourself.