Dr. Wilbert Mutoko
PhD, MBA, FHEA, Multi-international-award-winning expert in strategy, change management, leadership, and entrepreneurship, | senior lecturer at Tshwane University of Technology
With Dr. Wilbert R. Mutoko (PhD)
14 June 2017
I every quarter people are being encouraged with motivational words that cause them to focus on their dreams.
Focusing on the future is very good and I inspire many people to do the same.
However, I have realized that sometimes we emphasize too much on the future and forget about today and even yesterday.
If you ignore your yesterday and today, how do you make your tomorrow successful?
I know that some people propose that we must never think about yesterday for it is past. But, have you ever heard that history has a tendency to repeat itself? There is nothing new under the sun. You and I can still learn from our past successes and past mistakes alike so that our dreams can be more informed and better shaped.
What happens if you forget your today, and instead focus on your dreams? You neglect your present responsibilities in exchange for a future that you have not even grasp as yet.
In conclusion, let us all learn from our past, let us maximize our present opportunities and take daily steps that lead to successful fulfillment of our dreams. Otherwise, we may sit and wait for a better future which may never come.