Focus on Positive Expectations
Our capacity to focus can produce extraordinary intensity in our lives. Take a moment to consider what you usually focus on. Do you find yourself thinking about the problems and difficulties in your life??Or do you deliberately look for the positive, affirming and fulfilling aspects of your daily experience? It's surprising how our consciousness filters out so much information and tends to notice the things we want to see. If we are intent on seeing difficulties, disappointment, problems and unhappiness, our awareness will narrow our field of vision to pick up the negative elements from the vast array of data and possibilities.
But if we look for positive data, for things to celebrate, for the kind of experiences that help our spirits soar and our hearts to feel glad, it's amazing how our perception shifts to accommodate these positive and life-enhancing phenomena. We really are surrounded by good things. It's vital for our well-being that we learn to notice them. Winners always look for the signs of victory. Make a point of looking out for them and you’ll be surprised how often you find them.