Focus on This...

The other day I had an entrepreneur ask me about adding a different segment to their business.

They'd heard that someone was doing well with that program...and they'd even had a well known business coach tell them 'that's where all the money was.'

So I investigated a bit further.

I asked how this person's business was currently doing.

"Great! We're up 55% year over year."

I asked if they enjoyed the things they were currently providing.

"Yes! I love our clients and we're getting them great results. It's the most fun I've had since I opened the business 5 years ago."

Then I asked if there was still opportunity to do more of what they were already doing.

"Well, I guess so. We're only at about 2/3 of our capacity in most of our sessions and even have a couple more time slots we could open up."

So why would you add something completely different...that you don't even know if you'd enjoy or how it would do?

"I think I just got caught up in what people were telling me."

This ever happen to you?

I know it has to me.

You get excited about the stories you hear about people's successes and you think 'I could do that too.'

Well...'you could' and 'you should' are two very different things.

My recommendation is to focus on what you already do well.

Find ways to do more of that.

Look for ways to do it even better.

Seek opportunities to leverage your strengths because that will yield better returns than virtually anything else you can do.

When I look at most everyone that's enjoyed great's because they went deep in a certain area...not because they were average at a dozen different things.

You're already good at something.

Do more of that thing:)

What are you going to do more of?


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