Focus neither on the past nor the future
Michael Schneider's picture from Inc.

Focus neither on the past nor the future

Focusing too much on the past or the future actually begets detrimental consequences. It prevents you from fully experiencing the present, so that it results in persistent and overwhelming stress or anxiety which in turn develops into depression. It is certainly crucial to stay grounded in the present moment, concentrating on here and now. This fosters a healthier mindset and decreases stress. Dwelling on the past and future thwarts both health and success, since it prevents focusing on present opportunities. However, staying present, you improve your well-being and perform more effective progress toward your goals.


The case of Michael Schneider, Human Capital Specialist, covered by an article published by Inc. on 29 July 2019 contributes for us to comprehend the issue better. He focuses on talent management, precisely employer branding, recruiting, onboarding, and talent development. He believes that people are an organization's most reliable form of sustainable competitive advantage and concentrates on strategies to maximize their potential.


Schneider’s story

The older we get, the more we realize?how little control we have over what life has in store for us. The future is unknown and?scary as a result. Because the past is all we know, we all?tend to dwell in it.?We walk around with the false belief that the best is behind us. This nostalgic cynicism is dangerous. When we're stuck looking in the rearview mirror, it causes disasters?in front of us.? We're?all guilty,” he says, before adding that thoughts like, "I wish I never left that job," "My 20s were my best years," or "I wish things were like they used to be" are all examples of inhabiting the past.



Schneider points out that?people experiencing continuous success?and happiness?don't think like this.?“They genuinely believe that the best is yet to come. This optimistic outlook wills their dreams and aspirations into existence. Happiness breeds happiness, and illustrations are all around us if we choose to see them. Unfortunately, most don't. They waste the present on pessimism. I'm going to save you some time; you won't find what you're looking for in the past. I would know.”


Life doesn’t constitute a straight line. It is instead glutted with ups and downs, twists and turns. These ups and downs or twists and turns unfold in multifarious ways. One of your ups can be financial success or wealth, good health, healthy relationship and networking in the professional career while one of the downs is marriage failure or difficulties.


Unfortunately, since life doesn’t follow a straight line, this creates unpredictability. If you are wealthy and healthy today, you cannot argue that you will be the same tomorrow or at least you can’t affirm that you will keep the position throughout your lifetime. We all know what is occurring in Ukraine and Palestine’s Gaza. The war which is continuing in those nations has unspeakably ruined lives of countless people in a myriad of ways. There are those who have been killed by the war and those who have been horrendously impoverished by the war. This forms one example proving that our lives don’t run on the straight line. This uncertainty thus brings challenges. ?The uncertainty also offers opportunities for growth, rendering the journey unique and enriching.


That is what has happened to Schneider. “Back in high school and college, I was living a very purpose-driven life. I was heavily involved in sports, faith, and education. The clarity provided direction and encouragement. But then, my life changed. My sports career ended, my career path switched, and all the plans I had in store?for myself blew up. My faith was shaken as a consequence. It was time to reshuffle the deck and start over.


In the process, though, I couldn't stop thinking about what I once had. I was bitter and so focused on trying to recreate?the past, that I was missing opportunities all around me to make an impact, find purpose and meaningful work. Concentrating on the past put up blinders that?were?holding back my future.”


Maintaining your residence in the past, especially since you dwell in past issues embittering your life, assuredly keeps you in bitter life. Comparing your current situation with the past and how you should stand both now and in the future, it disgusts and disheartens you maximally because you regard your situation as injustice. In some cases, this injustice doesn’t however bear a person to whom it is directly attributed or tangible factors behind it.


For you to be rescued from this situation, you only need to change your perceptions and thinking toward circumstances that you are facing. You can be assisted by a certain event or inspirational words, as it has transpired in the case of Schneider. “At about this time [while he was focusing on his past), I found a quote (that I?tweaked)?from American author Edward Everett Hale that encouraged me to jump back on the horse.


I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and even though I cannot do what I once did, I will not refuse to do something that I can now. It wasn't until I chose optimism and to make the best of my current situation that my attitude and career started to turn around. I now look for the good in every opportunity, and as a result, most things turn out to be positive experiences and accretive to my development and career.”

He underlines that, and he is right, pessimism can become a dangerous, career-limiting mindset. “I'm not saying that everything is sunshine and rainbows, but life is what we make it. If you don't think more optimistically than you do pessimistically, then you've?destined yourself for a disappointing?and?lackluster career.”


Focusing too much on the future

While the above details address the point of concentrating excessively on the past, focusing excessively on the future is equally disastrous. Worrying incessantly about what might or not transpire also generates constant stress and anxiety. Establishing overly ambitious future goals without being immersed in present actions leads to disappointment. Being too future-focused will cause you to ignore opportunities or experiences available in the present. It's thus vital to balance future planning with present awareness, to preserve mental well-being and effectively pursue goals.


By Jean Baptiste Ndabananiye- Media, Empowerment& MBA.

Management and Journalism Professional/Consultant with a demonstrated history/experience of involvement in women’s empowerment, project/program management, peace-building/conflict transformation, training, public awareness campaigns, governance and budget transparency, advocacy, documentation, the broadcast media industry, and community justice, among others.


He is skilled, among others, in English and French, Project& Program Management, Media Production, Peace-building, Leadership, Advocacy, and Kinyarwanda- English-French Translation, and Mind-Body Connection and its Link with Health through extensive reading and investigation about these two fields as well as Health Reporting and Communication. Strong management, media and communication professional with a Bachelor's and Master's focused in Journalism& Communication and MBA-Project Management respectively from University of Rwanda and Mount Kenya University.








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