Focus on life experience, not age when segmenting says Kantar ??????
Hi there,
I hope you've stayed safe with the recent unprecedented recent temperatures.
We've got a jam-packed newsletter for you today including our monthly Staff Spotlight and some eye-opening news from our?industry. Enjoy!
This month in the spotlight we have Sabrina, who joined the Omnisis team as a Senior Data Analyst earlier this year.
What brought you into the world of market research?
I didn’t intend to have a career in market research, but I have learned that most people don’t! I was working as a support worker and I was about to go into teaching.
I had forgotten that I’d uploaded my CV online, and a market research agency approached me for a job interview. Initially, I didn’t get the job, but they contacted me again a couple of months later to offer me a different job, which I accepted.
Within seven months I’d moved into the job I had initially interviewed for and the rest is history!
If you were stuck on a desert island and you could bring three people to join you, dead or alive, real or fictitious, who would you pick??
It's probably a bit cheesy, but my husband and my daughter would be my first two choices! The third person would be a tie between my grandad and grandma.
They both died before my daughter was born, and I know they would have loved how cheeky she is. I'd love for them to be able to meet her.
Describe your ideal weekend
My ideal weekend would be going to a big cottage somewhere in the countryside with my extended family. The Friday night would consist of a couple of child-free hours, so I would have a meal out with my husband.
Then all 30 odd of us would spend the weekend going on adventures, like hiking and swimming. We’d spend the evenings drinking, chatting and playing cards and silly party games.
Favourite film, book and podcast??
My favourite film is Rent - the songs and vocals are amazing, particularly Idina Menzel. I wouldn’t say I have a favourite book, I was an avid reader when I was younger but now all I get to read is the ‘That’s not my…’ series with my daughter.
I’ve also never listened to a podcast!
Focus on life experience, not age when segmenting says Kantar
Marketing campaigns could be four times more efficient if based on audiences segmented by life experiences and consumer behaviour rather than age, according to research by Kantar.
Marketing budgets are up whilst research budgets drop
Marketing budgets in the UK grew on average in the second quarter of 2022, but financial prospects dimmed in the face of growing economic turbulence and market research saw further cuts, according to the latest IPA Bellwether Report.
GFK & NielsonIQ agree to combine
Global information services firms NielsenIQ and GFK are to merge, with the deal expected to close either early next year or at the end of 2022.
The country recently went through a period of weather that it had never experienced before. As?much as I crave a bit of sunshine and I certainly need it to brighten my mood, I think we can all admit that what we've just experienced wasn't what we would call enjoyable Summer weather.
Whilst these kinds of scenarios have been happening around the world for some time now, we're starting to experience the real effects of climate change here in the UK. These events will only continue and in time,?get worse.
Whilst major changes are needed politically, we can all help by making small changes that collectively will have a huge impact.
Try to cut out those 1-2 mile car?journeys that could be walked or cycled. Have a few?days a week where you?don't eat meat and leave the grass to grow to help our pollinators. These are just three easy things that we can all do that would have a major effect on climate change.
As always, thanks for reading.