Focus on Intention.
What are you feeling at this moment? Weariness? Excitement? Tension? Fear? Joy? Take a deep breath. Focus on your intention for this day. What would you like to invite into your experience of today? This day will never cross your path again. You have the opportunity RIGHT NOW to create a day of your making. It stands ripe with opportunity waiting for you to unlock the power and possibility at this moment.?
You may either live by default, in reaction to the circumstances that unfold around you or you may consciously create a life that is aligned with your definitions of joy and success. Release the memories of yesterday and surrender your dreams of tomorrow. Focus on the gifts of this moment.
In your plan for the day, include three things that you enjoy doing. Select three activities that are not part of your normal routine. Celebrate your life by filling it with a gift for no occasion except the best occasion: your life. Remember, this is not just "fun," this is part of your responsibility. If your soul is not fulfilled, you have little to offer the world. Feed yourself and then you will have something to give the world. Create great stories to tell tomorrow about this day!
Success or sabotage??Be mindful not to sabotage yourself with busyness; remember what you are working toward.
Is this going to be an incredible day?? it?