A Focus on How: Why Reducing Access to Lethal Means Can Save Lives in Suicide Prevention
Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas
Psychologist and International Mental Health & #SuicidePrevention Impact Entrepreneur and #KeynoteSpeaker #PsychologicalSafety #WorkplaceWellbeing #WorkplaceMentalHealth
In suicide prevention we often focus on they "why" question, and sometimes the "who," but in this #ElevateTheConvo Twitter Chat we are going to focus on the "how." Specifically, we will be discussing the life-saving strategy of reducing access to lethal means -- like guns, pills and high places.
You may be wondering, "How would this work? Won't people who are determined to die of suicide just find another way?"
This is a common question, and the folks at the Harvard School of Public Health have been looking into the answer. Their conclusion? Means matter.
In other words, when it comes to suicide intervention, if we separate people from the method they are considering for suicide, we can make the difference between life and death. Don't believe me? Read the research: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/means-matter/means-matter/.
This diverse panel looks at this topic from multiple perspectives. From a Shooting, Training and Retail Center for Firearms to a Safety Professional in the Construction Industry to a Maxillofacial Surgeon looking to reduce the amount of opioid-based pain medications prescribed to a cop talking about police officers who need peer support to a man who survived a jump from the Golden Gate Bridge who now is a leading advocate for efforts to build barriers preventing others from jumping, we've got a lot of voices in this conversation!
Join us by following #ElevateTheConvo on 9/28 at 8PM ET as we discuss the following questions:
Why should suicide prevention efforts focus on reducing access to lethal means?
What are some past results that show that this strategy is effective?
What might this look like at an individual or community level?
What are some of the barriers and opportunities for this effort moving forward?
About the Panelists
Dr. Marian "Emmy" Betz
Dr. Marian (Emmy) Betz, MD, MPH is a board-certified emergency physician who works clinically at the University of Colorado Hospital Emergency Department (ED) and also conducts research in injury epidemiology and prevention. She is currently an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, and she received her medical degree and Masters in Public Health degree from Johns Hopkins. Dr. Betz's areas of research expertise are "lethal means safety" (i.e., limiting access to guns and other lethal methods for those who are suicidal) and care of suicidal patients in EDs. She co-founded and leads the Colorado Firearm Safety Coalition (https://coloradofirearmsafetycoalition.org/), a collaborative effort between public health and medical professionals and firearm retailers to reduce firearm suicides.
See Dr. Betz's Tedx Talk here: https://youtu.be/PwBgcjDVxxE
Lieutenant John Coppedge
John Coppedge has been a police officer for 25 years, currently serving as a Lieutenant with the Denver Police Department, where he also volunteers as peer counselor with the agency’s Peer Support team. He has conducted training internationally on trauma, stress, peer support, resiliency, and suicide. He has presented and consulted with first responders, district attorney’s, victim advocates, psychologists, the American Psychological Association, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. John has been married for 31 years, has four adult children and one granddaughter. He is currently pursuing his master’s degree in counseling. Contact information: [email protected]
See Lt. Coppedge's presentation at the US/Canada Forum on Workplace Suicide Prevention here: https://youtu.be/UWQWJ0GYQfk
Bristlecone Shooting, Training and Retail Center
Bristlecone Shooting, Training & Retail Center is known for top-rate, safe facilities, first-class retail, exceptional customer service delivered by knowledgeable staff, as well as an unmatched dedication to the education, training, and development of our guests. We specialize in serving all levels of shooting sports participants from first-timers to life-long enthusiasts. We are not your typical Colorado indoor shooting range. At Bristlecone, you’ll find a bright, welcoming atmosphere with an emphasis on safety and customer service.
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence and the Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy are proud to announce the release of a new report, “Breaking Through Barriers: The Emerging Role of Healthcare Provider Training Programs in Firearm Suicide Prevention.” The report’s release coincides with National Suicide Prevention Week, as part of their ongoing commitment to preventing firearm suicide and advocating for policies that do so. This report discusses firearm suicide and lethal means safety counseling in depth and highlights the need for additional training in this area. Find the full report on their website. Additionally, a Medium blog with a brief summary of the report is available here.
Marko Kaar
Marko Kaar is the Director of Safety Operations with Bartlett Brainard Eacott in Connecticut. He is also the Founder of Stop. Think. Prevent., an initiative designed to create Safety and Health-related guidance, visibility and networking in construction and beyond.
Dr. Linda Langford
Dr. Linda Langford has served as an Evaluation and Communications Scientist with the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) since 2006. She engages in a range of initiatives to help states, tribes, campus, communities, and organizations to develop effective suicide prevention efforts, including engaging in systematic planning and evaluation, using the best available evidence, and communicating effectively. She supported the development of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s Framework for Successful Messaging (SuicidePreventionMessaging.org) and recently helped to created SPRC’s Effective Suicide Prevention Model (www.sprc.org/effective-suicide-prevention).
Dr. Glenn Waters
Drs. Glenn S.Waters and Timothy B. McConnell are active, Cincinnati-based surgeons (Oral & Maxillofacial and Orthopeadics, respectively). Together, they have demonstrated and documented a highly effective acute pain protocol responsible for the dramatic reduction in required opioids. (In 2015-2016, they rx'd 42,000 less opioids in a 12 month period.) Their PainPack Protocol has been adopted by 5 local ER's and surgeons across the U.S. Their mission is simple: allow all prescribers and patients to know that an effective acute pain option exists - one that can benefit patients, prescribers, and our nation.
Kevin Hines
He is one of only thirty-six (less than 1%) to survive the fall and he is the only Golden Gate Bridge jump survivor who is actively spreading the message of living mentally healthy around the globe.
In 2016, Mental Health America awarded Kevin their highest honor, The Clifford W. Beers Award for his efforts to improve the lives of and attitudes toward people with mental illnesses. Previously, he was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Council of Behavioral Health in partnership with Eli Lilly. Kevin has also been awarded by SAMSHA as a Voice Awards Fellow and Award Winner, an Achievement Winner by the US Veterans Affairs and received over 30 U.S. military excellence medals as a civilian.
In the summer of 2013, Kevin released his bestselling memoir titled Cracked Not Broken, Surviving and Thriving After A Suicide Attempt. He is currently producing a documentary entitled Suicide: The Ripple Effect.
View Kevin Hines' Buzz Feed video here: https://youtu.be/WcSUs9iZv-g
Join Us and #ElevateTheConvo Each Month
The main goal for the #ElevateTheConvo Twitter Chats is to engage new audiences in conversations related to mental health and suicide prevention. Moderated by Dr. Sally Spencer-Thomas (www.SallySpencerThomas.com), we invite you to come "lurk," participate and engage with our panelists. Just put the hashtag #ElevateTheConvo in the search window at the start time of the chat, then click "latest" to see the conversation emerge. If you'd like to join in, just add #ElevateTheConvo to your tweets, and we will see your thoughts and questions.
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Please, feel free to share the Stop Sign graphic above and help us promote this month's #ElevateTheConvo twitter chat. Photo Credit Craig Miller.