Focus on Future of Canadian Energy Security
Doug MacLellan
President and CEO at Canada ProsperUnity Corporation (CPUC). | | APEGA Life Member
I hope the last week has focussed Canadians on how insecure our future is in Canada relative to energy security if we do not have the right infrastructure in place and we do not plan with foresight based on facts and science. Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan experienced grid overloading as people needed to stay warm. There are a myriad of thoughts, plans and ideas about what we need for infrastructure. Climate Change has to be in our plans as well as how we grow our infrastructure and what we utilize as energy sources. Ultimately, we need to have available dispatchable power. Our electrical grid needs to be national and we need to have online back-up power at all times. We need to consider nuclear power. We need to deliver energy to ALL parts of Canada. Thank-god Saskatchewan was there for Alberta and delivered power from coal fired plants. Before we can transition we need to ensure our technology looks after people today. We also need to ensure Canadians can afford their energy. Converting to energy sources that will empty our pockets is not good enough. Politicians in Canada need to put Canadians and energy affordability first. We cannot be thinking of reducing the availability of fossil fuels unless we have an affordable alternative ready NOW! WE DO NOT HAVE THAT OPTION AT THIS TIME! Whether we like it or not we need to have a national corridor in the planning stages now to assist in tying in provincial grids, and offering nuclear stations , renewable options (if feasible). We need a mid-Canada highway system to provide access to more mining of critical minerals and uranium and free up space for more truck transportation of import and export and interprovincial trade. We need a national corridor to allow improvement of the delivery of digital communications systems for all Canadians. We need the ability to deliver by pipeline clean energy in the form of ammonia or hydrogen or natural gas. We need an expansion of our rail systems to further enhance the access and delivery to our natural resources and further upgrade of our national trade transportation. Canada has shown its vulnerability this winter. The last decade we have spent a lot of time talking about the future but not really showing any serious real action to solving national problems. Not only can we first look after Canadians with actions now, we can also utilize our expertise and resources to assist other nations in their energy security as well as reducing their emissions.
Let's stop talking and making promises and start making headway.
President at Slokker Canada West Inc.
1 年Would it be valuable to first interview a few industrial engineers about what works? As soon as I see the words Hydrogen or Ammonia as hoped for solutions I know the writer has not taken Chemistry past the 101 stage. We can not run on hope. We need facts. Ammonia and Hydrogen are terrible energy carriers. Activation energy alone stands for enormous energy losses to unusable heat. We are working with entropy here and we are proposing to fight entropy uphill. In addition to these facts is the problem of handling these products which is practically impossible at scale.
Board of Directors
1 年Mr MacLellan I agree and support the premise that you have advanced and I would add the following “Energy is Security — Security is Energy.” James Maxin