Focus on Behaviours rather than Outcomes
When a person steps on the scale, what goes through their mind?
(Besides: “I hate this %#!? scale.”)
For instance, do they:
- Compare the number to a previous weight—or a goal weight?
- Wonder what they might’ve done to make the scale go up or down?
- Make an action plan?
In a recent study conducted by researchers, the participants almost always played the comparison game. And they rarely made a specific action plan.
But guess what? When the researchers tracked which behaviors actually helped participants lose weight, the only behaviour that helped: specific action planning.
On a daily basis, I encourage you to focus more on behaviours versus outcomes. This allows you to put your physical and mental efforts where they matter most.
Instead of kinda-sorta-maybe making better choices throughout the day, you’ve now created a specific action plan. And that’s how to set yourself up for success.
“My weight never changes!”
“No matter what I do, the scale always says the same thing. I don’t get it?”
Does this narrative sound familiar? Does it make you feel demotivated and encourage you to give up?
Want to see the scale change? Weigh yourself five to six times in one day.
First thing in the morning, then after you pee, then after you eat, then after you eat again, then before you have a poo, then after you have a poo.
Scale changes: guaranteed.
It’s a great reminder for individuals that bodies fluctuate… and that’s normal. Consistency prevails when you are repeating positive behaviours over time, remain patient and you will reap the rewards of achieving the results you wish for the long haul.
On your side, Lee
#behaviourchange #mindset #health #scalewars #fluctuations #patience #behavioursversusoutcomes