Here's the breakdown of the slide.
- The green path labeled “In Belonging” shows that when people feel they truly belong (Feel, Own, Care), they take action faster.
- They don’t wait for permission or second-guess themselves because they feel indispensable to their team. There’s a shared purpose and mutual accountability.
- This leads to better and faster results, as they’re motivated by connection and shared ownership.
- The starting line is further left, showing they jump in sooner because they trust their tribe.
- Psychological safety creates an environment where people feel safe to speak up without fear of judgment or punishment.
- However, the red path shows that people start later, if at all, and get less done.
- They wait for validation and permission before acting. While they feel safe from harm, they don’t feel necessary or crucial to the group’s success.
- The starting line is delayed because they don’t feel the impetus from belonging that drives proactive action.
- Whakapapa (a Māori concept) underscores the essence of belonging. It means knowing you have a place, a role, and a purpose in the story of the group.
- It’s a deeply rooted connection that says, “You are an essential part of us.”
- This feeling of being indispensable fuels people to unite and fight for shared goals, leading to the highest levels of performance.
- Belonging isn’t just feeling safe—it’s feeling needed and vital to the group.
- When people Feel, Own, and Care, they take action sooner and achieve more because they see themselves as key players in the team’s mission.
- Psychological safety provides comfort, but belonging drives action and higher performance.
Give me a DM and I'll help you create real Feel, Own, Care Belonging in your company for higher performance and well-being.