Fnac travelling to the Middle East
Cesare Maraglio
Executive Search - General Manager - Business Development Consultant - Business Setup in Dubai - Government Relations expert - Strategic Advisor for growing your business in the GCC- International Affairs
The signature French Consumer Electronics store seals deal with Saudi’s Alhokair group to deploy in Saudi Arabia.
Scheduled for 2022 opening, Fnac will be the first outlet in the largest economy in the Middle East. While the details of the agreement remain secret, it is worth noting that the partner they have chosen, AlHokair Group, operates 1,800 retail stores in the region. Making the deal one among truly seasoned professional companies with extensive knowledge of both the industry and the market.
When in doubt, SWOT it
News like this represent the incredible opportunities of a market that still has strong potential in retail. Quantifying them is not easy, but here is a good idea to consider:
The chance is there. The time is now. The decision is yours. But it seems aight!
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