FMCSA Fines & Penalties Increase for 2024

FMCSA Fines & Penalties Increase for 2024

Welcome to The Dashboard, your weekly wrap-up of regulatory, safety, hiring, and DOT compliance news.

Click 'Subscribe' to be notified of each edition. This week's hot topic is the FMCSA's final ruling to (once again) increase fines for CDL, trucking, and DOT recordkeeping violations.

You should always strive to avoid committing recordkeeping and CDL violations, but these higher penalties may be the extra motivation you need to stay compliant this year.

Trucking violation fines have gone up — again.

The FMCSA’s latest change took effect on December 28, 2023, and the fines have increased by a multiple of 1.03241, to be exact. While this may seem like a slight increase, it’s only adding to the ever-rising costs throughout the trucking industry, such as insurance premiums,?CDL speeding ticket fines, and unfortunate?accidents. And if you take a look at some of the maximum FMCSA fines and penalties below, you'll see that?this increase isn't so small after all.

We’re more than familiar with the steep penalties for?failing DOT safety inspections and committing recordkeeping violations, and this recent spike makes it even more important for companies to keep up with regular truck maintenance as well as up-to-date driver file management.

FMCSA’s civil penalties affected by this rule are all located in appendices A and B to?49 CFR part 386.

Below are some of the most prevalent commercial vehicle, recordkeeping, and CDL violations; the current fines; and the new fines for 2024. You can see the entire 2023 FMCSA penalty increase ruling here.

Comparison between 2023 and 2024 FMCSA violation penalties.

One of the most prominent fine increases? The maximum daily penalty for committing DOT recordkeeping violations has increased to $1,544 from $1,496, and the maximum total penalty is now $15,445 instead of $14,960.

Failing to Prepare for DOT Audits is Preparing to Fail

What's another noteworthy FMCSA tactic that’s on the rise? Unannounced offsite DOT audits.

Technological advancements have made it easier for enforcement officers to complete audits faster than ever. In fact, offsite audits increased by a whopping 400% between 2019 and 2020. That’s not all — you may have only?48 hours to submit all of your driver records in a digital format.

With more?DOT audits being conducted remotely (meaning an auditor doesn't even need to knock on your business' door to collect your records), you truly never know when or where you’ll be faced with an unexpected compliance evaluation.

Take Control of Your DOT Compliance

The combination of increased FMCSA fines and penalties and surprise compliance reviews means it’s time to do your business audit?before you’re faced with an official DOT audit.

Keeping your driver files in order and audit-ready takes diligence, accuracy, and organization. If you’re not sure where to start, you may want to involve a?compliance consultant who can help identify problem areas and provide suggestions on programs that will help bring you — and keep you – in full compliance.

Foley’s DOT compliance software keeps all your compliance programs in one place. You'll never have to worry about recordkeeping violations with your driver qualification files, drug and alcohol testing program, FMCSA Clearinghouse compliance, or other federal requirements.

Ready to avoid CDL violations and expensive fines like the ones above??Talk to one of our compliance experts today!

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