FM 149 Project
(By: Montgomery County News -
Project Information:
- The project cost is estimated by TzDOT to be approximately $6,900,000
- The project extends from the south side of FM 1097 to the north side of State Highway 105.
- The downtown portion of the project will be built in segments. Each segment must be completed before the next segment can begin construction. The segments are:
(a) SH 105 to the north side of Caroline Street,
(b) North side of Caroline Street to the south side of College Street,
(c) south side of College Street to Lone Star Parkway.
(d) Lone Star Parkway to FM 1097
- The (a) segment is expected to take four weeks to construct
The (b) segment is expected to take four weeks to construct
The (c) segment is expected to take eight weeks to construct.
He (d) segment is expected to take eight weeks to construct
The expectation of construction time will be in the contractor?s contract. TxDOT has said that the project does not warrant an incentive/disincentive clause.
- The expectation is for the construction segment (a) to start in February (due to too cold to lay asphalt in January), segment (b) to start in early March, and segment (c) to start in early April.
- If the project is not approved/accepted by the City before the end of July, TxDOT has said the project will be set back for proposed project funding in the year 2021.
- Drainage improvements, in the downtown area, include curb and gutter and below ground drainage collection system to stay Highway 105 ? on the south side of the project (meaning about halfway between Caroline Street and College Street extending south)
- Provisions can be worked out with the Contractor to allow plywood planks to be placed allowing entrance to businesses affected during their segment construction.
- TxDOT has said that they will allow a separate project to allow for the separation of the enhancement project and for the left-hand turn lanes on FM 149 at SH 105
- North of Clepper Street the project only includes scarifying in placing a new surface over the existing area of the surface, with new paving only on the adjoining driveways to ten feet past edge of pavement.
- A right-hand turn lane may be added on the south part of FM 149, depending on the timing of the Exxon station?s intention to lower their property and build a new building.
- This project will put me out of business. I cannot stand one month if customers are not able to get to my business...
This is often a concern of businesses along construction projects. There are however many businesses that have thrived after the hardship of the construction period. Plus there are things that the City/MEDC can do to help get the individual business and the entire area through the construction period. The City can continue to work with TxDOT to assure that the time estimates of construction are closely watched to prevent a more construction period than necessary. The City can also work closely with TxDOT and the Contractor to assure as much access to the business as possible using plywood, or other type of access during the construction unless in front of the business on a particular day(s). The MEDC can offer a grant of (say) $4,000 to the HMBA for special marketing during the construction period ? this could be used for advertising such as ads in the Courier, Montgomery County News and Impact newspapers to let shoppers know that while construction is going on that the businesses are still open, there could also be advance information she?s given to customers of the upcoming construction in order to let shoppers know how they can continue to shop, perhaps a banner over State Highway 105 stating something to the effect of ?we are in construction, shops still available? and also to find shopping rewards during the construction time?such as a drawing of tickets for a free dinner at the Cozy Grape, and other shop rewards. The MEDC could also sponsor a golf cart type of shuttle from the parking areas east of FM 149 that could carry customers throughout the downtown area including crossing of FM 149 to deliver customers to the west side of 149 shops.
Other businesses in similar projects have survived such construction efforts. Whether Montgomery can or cannot is in the hands of the businesses and their customers.
- There is no drainage problem downtown or need for sidewalks, the pavement surface is acceptable, so why even do this project?
The rain events from 2016 and 2017 demonstrated that downtown Montgomery businesses were not prone to water incursions and the road remained open at all times at the area considered for construction due to its topographical position. The drainage portion of the project adds a significant amount of cost and time to the project.
The pavement surface is indeed acceptable for the current period of time, but will need to be need to be addressed within the next several years.
The buildings on the east side of 149 generally have a usable sidewalk, but the buildings on the west side are not all evenly positioned. It was thought that a sidewalk would provide a more cohesive appearance and make it easier to travel between them. However, the current drawing has wide gaps due to the openings for parking lots, which negates most of these benefits. However, the driveways were requested to stay by the business owners.
- How many parking spaces or being removed from FM 149?
20 parallel parking slots will be lost. However, the main problem is that the immediate gratification of being able to immediately park and enter the business of choice will be lost, which is a high value for many customers.
Incidentally, none of the parking spaces on FM 149 are considered by TxDOT as legal parking spaces because of the law that prevents parking on non-designated parking on a State right-of-way.
- Also, parking spaces are being reduced from existing interior driveways off FM 149 because of the narrowing of the driveway entrances onto FM 149.
- How many driveways are being reduced?
Rancher?s Daughter
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Nat Hart Davis Museum
- What is the experience of other cities that have had to remove on street parking in similar projects as FM 149?
- There are mixed results, the TxDOT project in Willis looks bland and has no design character at all. Tomball project looks exceptional and is considered a long-term success to their downtown area. The design for Montgomery is, a middle approach with some design but not to match an existing plan (because there is no such plan) that would result in a beautiful streetscape/cohesive look.
- What will change between now and 2021 as to issues of the construction?
Downtown merchants are working together to build a more vibrant community with a more cohesive marketing/streetscape plan. The new mayor is also driving several plans to get more festivals and activities in town. A delay in the construction project will allow these projects to come to fruition and a) give businesses a bit more financial cushion and time to plan for the loss of business due to construction and b) give the city loyal followers who will either come even though the construction project is happening or wait until it is over and come and see what is new.
But for a) or b) to become different, action on solving both of these efforts needs to be specific in direction and time frame. The project needs to happen before a street overlay is needed, otherwise there will always be opposition to the project because of a) and b) reasons. This means the time line to approval of a plan and putting a goal time line needs to be placed now (or at least by September 17th, a Planning Commission meeting date ? who could be assigned the working out of the plan).
This is the essence of the question about doing the project now or later. If the city wants an excellent project that is part of an overall plan then the project should be delayed until there is consensus (not unanimity) on what the plan/project should look like. TxDOT engineers do not have any idea of a design that is right for Montgomery. A project that is well planned is better than an immediate ill-planned project. But, again a definite time table must be set and followed for the advancement of the downtown to thrive, completely aside of the TxDOT project.
- Why can't TxDOT still do the right-hand and left-hand turn lanes at the FM 149/ SH105 without doing the downtown project?
TxDOT can do the intersection improvements without doing the entire project.
- What about the parking improvements behind the buildings on West FM 149. Why not grant a five-year lease for parking to allow the MEDC to pave those parking areas in order to resolve the problem of parking on FM 149.
MEDC would have to make the decision to allocate funds in that way. In the past, the city received pushback from building owners who use those areas for employees and tenants, as well as area residents who have previously strongly resisted any encroachment of commerce in that residential area
- Does the city have any other plans for improving parking spaces in the downtown area?
Yes, but nothing (other than the paving of the Jacobs parking area) in the works now. There have been discussions with Karl Brosch about parking on east Maiden along the right of way line. There have also been discussions with Joe Shockley about parking on Caroline Street (between Maiden and Prairie, plus other individual discussions could come up through the years). But there have also been thoughts of closing part of downtown streets (such as the north half of McCown south of College to roughly mid-block and possibly closing McCown completely south of John A. Butler in return for right-of-way for a right-hand turn lane on SH 105 onto north FM 149).
At this time the city has no more property to place any more parking.
- Who pays for the value of lost revenues from my business during construction?
Lost revenues are borne by the entrepreneurs who either own the buildings or rent space in them. These businesses are a valuable part of our community and tourism industry. The project probably would, however, create more commerce in the downtown area in the long-term.
- Who pays for the landscaping that would be part of the project and is the landscaping all in the existing right-of-way.
It is likely that it will be the City expense to maintain the landscaping, pavers, and lighting. Past TxDOT projects have had mixed effectiveness results with landscaping because of their practices of constructing the landscape areas..
- Is anyone having to give more right-of-way for this project?
TxDOT is not acquiring additional rights as part of this project. Some buildings and infrastructure were built within TxDOT?s right of way and will have to be relocated or reconstructed as part of this project (Cozy Grape balcony, Entergy lines, Montgomery water & sewer).
The City of Montgomery is in the process of acquiring land, through a regular purchase process, to further the improvements at the intersection.
- TxDOT did not listen, at least not enough, to satisfy our questions since the October meeting at the Community Building.
TxDOT did meet with individual property owners and tenants to obtain feedback. This latest plan is the result of their listening tour in February and three staff only meetings since the October meeting.
- Who is involved in the planning of this project?
For the last year, the only parties involved in the TxDOT 149/105 process have been the City Administrator, City Engineer, City Council, and TxDOT.
The elected state officials who serve this area became involved to encourage TxDOT to include local feedback in their process.
- Granted, this is very important to the downtown merchants, what is the value of the project to the overall city residents/visitors.
Most City residents are impacted by this area in terms of mobility. So, to include the intersection improvements which is so important to morning and evening commutes, is the most important to residents -- and they look on the intersection improvements as long-term positive of the project.
Most locals, I believe, see the temporary impact on downtown as just that, a temporary inconvenience that should not result in any business having to go out of business, yet would want to see the individual businesses as inconvenienced as little as possible. As such, it?s highly important to for this project to have as short of a timeline as possible.
Many City residents enjoy the quality of life activities that a vibrant, active downtown bring and it?s imperative that the 149 project not destroy the businesses that are so actively involved in growing the quantity and quality of options available to residents and tourists alike. Most city resident, I believe, want to see a long-term plan implemented for the downtown area that will maintain a historic appearance and enjoyable atmosphere because the downtown is vitally important to keeping the community?s character.