Flying High: A Simple Metaphor for Business
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Flying High: A Simple Metaphor for Business

I recently discussed the relationship between marketing and sales with a friend. During our conversation, he used a vivid analogy comparing an orange to a tangerine, making the concept engaging and memorable. This discussion reminded me of a powerful metaphor from Donald Miller’s Business Made Simple: 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management, Personal Productivity and More. In his book, Miller uses the image of an aeroplane to illustrate the essential components of a successful business (Figure 1).

Figure 1

1. Fuselage – Operating Expenses (Overhead)

Just as an aeroplane’s fuselage carries passengers and cargo, a company’s operating expenses—such as salaries, benefits, rent, and supplies—form the core structure supporting daily operations. These costs are indispensable for delivering value to customers. However, if operating expenses become disproportionately high, it’s akin to an overweight fuselage that slows the aircraft down, potentially hindering the business’s efficiency and long-term viability.

2. Wings – Products and Services

The wings provide an aeroplane with the lift to take off and stay airborne. In business, your products and services serve a similar function. They are the competitive differentiators that enable your company to rise above the rest. When your offerings are profitable and in high demand, they generate the momentum needed for sustainable growth, much like robust wings propel an aircraft upward.

3. Right Engine – Marketing

Marketing acts as the right engine, the force that moves the business forward. It creates awareness and generates interest, laying the groundwork for attracting potential customers. Just as an engine provides the thrust necessary for takeoff, effective marketing kick-starts engagement and paves the way for successful sales conversions.

4. Left Engine – Sales

While marketing ignites interest, the left-engine sales team converts that interest into revenue. A strong sales force in tandem with marketing stabilises and amplifies the business’s progress. This dual-engine approach ensures that while marketing draws in prospects, sales efficiently seal the deals, fuelling the company’s growth trajectory.

5. Fuel – Capital and Cash Flow

No aeroplane can take flight without fuel; similarly, no business can operate without sufficient capital and cash flow. Financial resources are the lifeblood that keeps all functions running smoothly. Effective cash flow management allows for strategic investments and operational stability; a sudden depletion of funds can be as disastrous as an aircraft running out of fuel.


Donald Miller’s aeroplane metaphor in Business Made Simple offers a compelling framework for understanding business dynamics. Each component—from operating expenses and product innovation to marketing, sales, and financial health—must work harmoniously for a company to thrive. By balancing these elements, leaders can navigate today’s competitive marketplace with clarity and confidence. Moreover, this metaphor offers a succinct overview that is valuable even for those not directly involved in marketing or sales.


Miller, D. (2020). Business Made Simple: 60 Days to Master Leadership, Sales, Marketing, Execution, Management, Personal Productivity and More. Thomas Nelson.


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