Fly Like A Bird
It was another early out to office, and only because I needed to get some non-real estate chores done, and the main one, was getting a great deal of refuse loaded and hauled to the landfill. Unfortunately, it took far longer than I'd expected, but at least all that 'stuff' is out of sight and mind. Whenever I get deep into a project, I find more things needing to be either restored or replaced by something new, and thus it has taken place once again. I've kinda got that mindset of "Oh, I just need to do one more thing.", which gets repeated more often than I care to admit. I dare say, there's likely never been a time when I've begun working on something, and walked away from it unfinished. Yes, it takes me longer than most, but it does get done.
When I returned to office, I looked over at the Kirk demolition, and found them working hard at getting the basement walls collapsed, and by the end of the day, they were all down, so that hole will likely get filled-in sometime next week, and then all the fencing will come down. I'm sure those residents over at the Manor are going to be happy to have their parking spots back. That's been quite the inconvenience for them these many days, but at least it didn't happen during the winter.
Having mentioned that iron spiral staircase last night, I was later alerted that it was built by Ray Quayle who is our City's housing inspector, whom I've known for decades. There's no question he's a border-line genius when it comes to anything having to do with metals. He's made the news a number of times with his completely restored vintage 'Indian' motorcycle. I've not seen it in person, but the pictures alone are beyond belief. It's kinda funny, because just this afternoon while I was waiting at a stop sign on Monroe Ave., I just happened to see a guy driving a Suburban who was pulling a trailer which contained the Kirk's spiral staircase. I'm hoping it's gonna get put to some good use. Yes, Ray Quayle's abilities are to be lauded. Truth be told, I truly admire anyone who has the ability to create something that's lasting which can be used and/or admired by the general public.
I forgot to mention yesterday, my having decided to pen a short soulful letter to someone out of my past which was long over-due, and only in an attempt to clear the air on a few things which unfortunately got completely out of hand. I'm confident it'll be well received, and if it isn't, then it'll be just another unfortunate example of how people get so wrapped up in fake news to where even if the facts are laid out before them, they'll hold stedfast to the false information they'd swallowed hook, line and sinker. If that indeed does happen, then it'll be all on the recipient of my letter, and not me.
A good two hours of my afternoon was eaten up with working on end of the month accounting, bill paying, and drop-offs, along with meeting up with a guy who was to make a home delivery. Oh my goodness, I sure got an earful regarding how workplace ethics has changed. I still can't get my brain wrapped around how so many will not accept being at fault. For me, it's just a reminder that I'm not perfect. Just for example, several days ago I had an appointment at office to meet someone at a set time, and since I knew there was plenty of minutes before the arrival, I decided to lock my front door and go to the back of my office to get some things done. Well, my appointment arrived a good half hour early, and was very upset when finding my front door locked. As much as I apologized for having to run up there and unlock it, my words had fallen on deaf ears. Why would anyone get to the point of being near-livid over such a thing? That anger was so strong, I could actually 'feel' it.
Don't get me wrong, because there are some exceptionally good people in our midst, but unfortunately they're being shadowed by those who think the world revolves around them. Yes, this corporate promotion of narcissism has now created monsters in our midst. Like my colleague always asks, "Why can't people just get along?", which I fully agree, but I oft times add, "Just because I get along with people, doesn't mean I have to like them.", which is something that absolutely must change, because I'm seeing far too many in all areas of life who're expecting those around them, to be in full agreement with their personal opinions, and if they don't, they're treated like second-class citizens. Unfortunately, it's reminding me more of the caste system in India to where there's no rising within ranks.
My late afternoon showing did not go well at all, which ended up being an absolute waste of time for both me and my buyers. I'm really getting sick of some of my colleagues who're using those fish-eye lenses in their cameras to take photos, and then later photo-shopping them to where you'd swear you've walked into the wrong house. The most unfortunate thing about today's showing, is my possibly having encountered fleas while there, because when I got home, I noticed several flea bites, so I quickly sent all the clothes I had on to my washing machine. My gosh if I don't hate getting bitten by fleas, because they always take forever to heal, and then leave behind permanent scars.
While at the Post Office today, I happened to notice someone who's not one of my favorites, smiling and waving at me. All I did was give a 'nod' and kept walking, and only because that person has a very short memory, and has likely long ago forgotten all the nasty things she's done and said to me. Of course I always have to chuckle to myself when knowing she's nothing more than a pawn in her work environment, and as always, like attracts like.
Just recently, I happened to notice a home sale that was posted as being closed, and when seeing how much it sold for, my heart immediately went out to the buyer who's gonna have a crude awakening once settled-in, because I know for a fact, the surrounding neighbors will be like annoying summer gnats. If I were the seller, the listing agent, or the selling agent, I'd be terribly ashamed of myself for plugging an unsuspecting buyer into such chronic dysfunction. I'll wager when our market does correct, that house wouldn't even sell for $30K less that what the buyer paid for it. Talk about being upside-down!
A friend of mine forwarded me the above photo, which I thought worthy of sharing. The moment I looked at it, all that came to mind was, "Sometimes, I just want to be able to fly like a bird." When looking more closely, I couldn't believe the number of windmills dotting the countryside. There's no question I'd ever want to live anywhere near those things. The noise they make gets really annoying after a while.
I went out and did an inspection on my garden, and happy to see nearly everything sprouting, with the exception of the carrots I'd planted. They can be stinkers sometimes, so hopefully these recent rains will help them to germinate and start pushing thru the soil. I'm still tickled pink over how well my tomatoes and peppers are doing. If all those peppers bear as they should, I'll be having red and yellow peppers coming out my ears. I'll definitely have more than enough for the freezer, so I'll certainly be gifting the rest to all who'd like them.
Tomorrow is going to be another day where it'll be split between personal chores and real estate. I'm still patiently waiting for several sellers to call and tell me they're ready for me to list their homes. Fortunately, the both of them will likely sell right out of the gates. I must say once again, how grateful I am to have people referring their friends and relatives to me for their real estate needs. Let's hope it's not going to be raining tomorrow.
Tonight's One-liner is: When we forgive someone, it doesn't excuse their actions; it frees us from our own chronic stress and suffering, so it's in our own self-interest.
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