Flux U: 3 Ways To Become A Change Gladiator
Yes, we're referencing the American Gladiators today. Buckle up, Nitro!

Flux U: 3 Ways To Become A Change Gladiator

By John Loos // Senior Content Specialist

Seriously, what the flux is going on with work right now?

Are we going back to office, or are we staying at home? Or doing some accursed version of hybrid where we all go into the office but still meet online?

Are we ever going to hire people to replace those that left during the Great Resignation, or am I still going to be doing three jobs for the price of one?

Oh, and are we still going to use our propriety video conferencing software that crashes every five minutes and doesn't have a mute button and is called something stupid like Planz or SpeakTalk, or are we going to join the rest of the world in 2022 and just use Zoom?


We are in the middle of the Great Flux. This is not a term that has been officially coined just yet (feel free to coin it and cite me, John Loos, as the creator!), but it's the best way I can think of to describe the overloaded-washing-machine churn we all feel right now.

We are on the precipice of a large-scale return to work. Or a huge surge of Omicron BA.2. Or, you know, World War 3/devastating nuclear winter. Or all three! Weeeee! And of course, just as things in the world are feeling the unsteadiest, businesses are making huge grabs for "normalcy."

So how can we rope the wind, essentially, and harness this Great Flux to maximize our effectiveness as leaders and teammates? Maybe use it as a chance to uncover and optimize our superpowers, and those of our teams?

Of course, a great place to start is signing up for Fairplay Communication's upcoming free webinar What The Flux? on April 4th, 2022, which will explore the 4 change superpowers that employees have during big periods of change, and how to harness them to their full potential.

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Lay off me, I'm liais-ing!

But in the meantime, before you attend our unmissable webinar created by our amazing co-founder Andy Eninger and our incredible senior facilitator/thought leader Colette Gregory, I will play the role of Corporate Santa Claus and gift you 3 ways to make changes at work work for you. Here they are, in order of when I thought of them:

#1 - Ask For What You Need & Ask Others What They Need

It's easy during periods of change to put on horse blinders and only focus on the hay in front of you. It's also easy to remove yourself from important conversations and withdraw in a sort of silent protest to all the things being taken away from you, or added to your plate.

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Times of change require a redoubling of the commitment to be "others focused." It's a Hollywood myth that lone wolves survive apocalypses. In fact the idea that wolves themselves are loners is a myth!

In reality, and basically all of human history, survivors of massive change--be it environmental or political or some other cataclysm--have done so by creating community, working together, sharing resources and relying on each other's superpowers to endure.

This is not to say people who prefer to work alone, or who are more anti-social, must become extroverts/Gabby Gabbersons. In fact, to succeed during change, we need people of all manners of introversion and extroversion. Those who excel at managing and facilitating conversations and divvying up responsibilities, and those who are able to get into deep flow on tasks they excel at. We need both hunters and gabber-ers!

This is why you must both ask for you what you need (e.g. Clarity! Resources! To be left alone! A helping hand! An hour break from Zoom!) and curious what others needs, specifically those who you work with regularly or who are impacted upstream/downstream by your work.

#2 - Know Your Fluxxing Style

Are you energized change? Fearful of it? Consumed with ennui and numb to any emotion? We all react differently to flux, and we react differently to different kinds of flux. Thus, understanding how you typically respond is a huge first step in being able to absorb the shock of a change.

It's like the Human Cannonball event in the beloved early 1990s beefcake show American Gladiators. In this event, a contestant would grab a rope and swing toward a Gladiator, who stood on a padded pillar, ready to absorb the incoming blow. Gladiators who didn't understanding their bodies/proportions and didn't crouch down low enough were easily smacked off the human cannonball platform (looking at you, Malibu). However, Gladiators that understood their bodies and knew how to prepare and position themselves for the coming impact were usually able to withstand the blow.

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When you know yourself and all the nuances of your work style, you can set yourself up for success during these days of unrelenting fluxxin' flux.

Again, our What The Flux webinar covers 4 types of change superpowers. Sign up so you can find out what yours are!

#3 - Remember To Take Care Of Yourself

Check in with yourself regularly. Notice when you're getting frazzled or getting short with folks. Keep an eye on the coffee and make sure you're not chugging your fifth pot.

We can't be our best or show up for others if we are neglecting wellness signs within ourselves.

Change is taxing. It's exhausting. We've all felt the incredible fatigue that has shaped this pandemic. Our brain uses 20-30% of our energy every day, and when it's in overdrive trying to troubleshoot the worlds problems, adapt to periods of flux, keep up with endless changes, fix everything at work, get through an overstuffed inbox, sync calendars, remember Zoom start times AND keep a random smattering of children/pets/plants/spouses that live with you alive despite their best attempts to undermine you, it can be too much.

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Just like when your laptop's fan starts whirring extra loud when too many programs are open, the same happens with us. Recognize when it's time to close some emotional browsers, exit out of human applications, and take a break.

Superheroes can't use their superpowers when their energy is drained. American Gladiators can't gladiate without their spandex, spray tan and injury riders. And guess what? Neither can you (metaphorically speaking).

These are just three ways to ensure the Flux doesn't get the best of you. What are other ways you keep sane during the most wild of times? We'd love to hear them, either in the comments, in our inbox or during our What The Flux webinar on April 4th! (Sorry, I had to mention it again. Rule of threes!)

We'll see you there!


Want to start a conversation with us? Email us at [email protected]


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