A couple of days ago, I was thinking of learning to flutter because of market requirements. But I find it too easy and fast to develop in comparison to native mobile development, and it supports multi-platforms like Chrome, MacOS, Linux, Windows, Android, and iPhone. Dart programming language is very easy, and as I experience, it’s syntax is mixed between Java and Kolitin. It’s made the development easy and enchanting. In this blog, I am going to explain how to install Flutter and some of its command sothat a new bird can start development.?
Android Studio Git must be installed on your Macbook, then download Flutter as per your device processor. We have different installers for the Intel processor and different installers for the Apple Silicon Chip.?
Please check download link?
After downloading, run the following command:
unzip ~/Downloads/flutter_macos_arm64_3.22.2-stable.zip \
???????-d ~/development/
This will unzip SDK to the development directory of your system root directory, now you have to set the SDK path.?
Open the editor ? and type the following command?
export PATH=$HOME/development/flutter/bin:$PATH
And save it to the root directory of your os, with the name?
Now installation is done.?
2. Command used in flutter development
A) Project Creation and Management:
flutter create my_app: Creates a new Flutter project named "my_app".
B) Running the App:
flutter run: Runs the app in debug mode on a connected device or emulator. You can add options like --release to build a release version.
C) Building the App:
flutter build apk: Builds an Android app bundle (recommended over APK).
flutter build ios: Builds an iOS app.
flutter build web: Builds a web app.
D) Package Management:
flutter pub get: Downloads and installs dependencies listed in your pubspec.yaml file.
flutter pub upgrade: Upgrades all dependencies to their latest versions.
E) Analyzing and Testing:
flutter analyze: Analyzes your Dart code for errors and potential issues.
flutter test: Runs automated tests for your app.
F) Other Useful Commands:
flutter doctor: Checks your development environment for any issues.
flutter --help: Shows a list of all available commands with a brief description.
flutter config: Configures various aspects of the Flutter SDK.
By reading the blog, any one can start developing a Flutter app , I think you will enjoy the content
Thank you and happy learning.