Fluid Mechanics & CFD

Fluid Mechanics & CFD

The following topics are the all topics we will cover in Fluid Mechanics and CFD (focusing on OpenFOAM). The total hours of training is almost 70 hours.

Fluid Mechanics Part (~35 hours)

Introduction (characteristics of fluids, fluid density, viscosity, surfaces tension)

Fluid statistics (Pressure at a point, basic equation for pressure field, hydrostatic force on a plane and curved surface, Buoyancy, Rigid-body motion)  

Elementary fluid dynamics- The Bernoulli Equation (Newton’s second law, F = ma along and normal to a streamline, physical interpretation) 

Fluid Kinematics (velocity field: Eulerian and Lagrangian flow, the acceleration field, control volume and system representation, The Reynolds transport theorem)

Finite control volume analysis (Conservation of mass-The continuity, Newton’s second law- The linear momentum, First law of thermodynamics-The energy)  

Differential analysis of fluid flow (Fluid element kinematics, conservation of mass, conservation of linear momentum, inviscid flow, plane potential flows, viscous flow)

Dimensional Analysis, similitude, and modeling (Non-dimensional numbers and their application)

Viscous flow in pipes (General characteristics of pipe flow, fully developed laminar and turbulent flow, Losses in pipe flow)

Flow over immersed bodies (General external flow characteristics, Boundary layer characteristics, Drag, Lift)

CFD Part (~35 hours)

Introduction (What is CFD? How does a CFD code work? Problem solving with CFD)

Conservation laws of fluid motion and Boundary Condition (Navier-Stokes equations, equation of state, classification of physical behavior)

Turbulence and its Modelling (What is turbulence? Transition from laminar to turbulent flow, characteristics of simple turbulent flows, turbulence models)

The finite volume method for diffusion problems (Introduction, FVM for one-two and three-dimensional steady state diffusion problem)

The finite volume method for convection diffusion problems (Introduction, steady one-dimensional convection and diffusion, central differencing scheme, properties of discretization schemes, assessment of the central differencing scheme for convection-diffusion problems, the upwind differencing scheme, the hybrid differencing scheme)

Solution algorithms for pressure-velocity coupling in steady flows (Introduction, the staggered grid, the momentum equations, the SIMPLE algorithm, assembly of a complete method, the SIMPLER algorithm, the SIMPLEC algorithm, the PISO algorithms)

Solution of discretized equations (Introduction, the tri-diagonal matrix algorithm, application of TDMA to two and three-dimensional problems)

The finite volume method for unsteady flows (Introduction, one-dimensional unsteady heat conduction, implicit methods for two- and three-dimensional problems, discretization of transient convection-diffusion equation)

Implementation of boundary conditions (introduction, inlet boundary conditions, outlet boundary conditions, wall boundary conditions, the constant pressure boundary condition, symmetry boundary condition, periodic or cyclic boundary condition)


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