Flue Gas Heat Recovery System

Flue Gas heat recovery in Industry be it Power plant , Cement plant or Steel industry has remained a subject of interest to Plant O&M teams from efficiency improvement perspective and fuel savings / emission improvements to industry . We have been working on Flue gas heat recovery system from last many years and have developed in house solutions particularly for coal based power plants .

It is generally observed that operating power plants face high temp exit gases from RAPH outlets owing to change in coal quality over the years , leakages in ducting system , RAPH efficiency loss etc . Flue Gas heat recovery system has multiple advantages :

  • Improvement in Heat Rate of the plant
  • Savings in Fuel owing to heat rate improvement
  • FGHRS installed in Sink with Wet FGD systems lead to water savings

The above is a short synopsis only . Details can be worked out on a case by case basis and suiting to Plant layout & system integration .

# Efficiency Improvement #Fuel Savings # Emission Control# Sustainable Environment


