Flu Season Is Here.
Flu season is here!
Help your patients find you using Healthfindr powered by Allegra
Why the need for Flu vaccinations?
It is widely accepted that a vaccine trains your body’s immune system to create specific antibodies, these antibodies are primed and ready to reduce future infection.
In today’s Covid-19 era, this year’s annual flu vaccination is said to be the most important to date. Dr Jaco Grobler from IVC Diagnostics mentions that flu vaccinations will play a vital role in helping the South African healthcare system to cope through the winter months, especially if there’s another spike in Covid-19 cases.
An opportunity to assist People at Increased ?Risk of Flu Complications
Flu vaccination is especially important for people with diabetes because they have a?higher risk?of developing serious complications from flu.?Other at-risk individuals include adults 65 years and older, people with chronic health conditions, residents of nursing homes and chronic care facilities, children six months to five years of age, and pregnant women. Flu vaccines are changed each season, to keep up with changing strains, ?and immunity decreases over time, therefore annual vaccination is recommended by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention.
The role of health-tech in online bookings for flu vaccinations.
For minor health needs, a visit to the emergency room might not be the best option; it’s expensive and can take hours. Walk in clinics in pharmacies throughout South Africa are an affordable alternative.
Allegra’s practice management software, used by healthcare practitioners throughout Southern Africa, have been integrated with ?Healthfindr – an electronic booking system, patients can now find your practice, no matter what time or from where. Your patients can make appointments for any of your services, including their annual flu vaccine.
Allegra has collaborated with medical aids in our latest campaign –digital healthcare at the heart of communication and collaboration to ensure that technology helps meet healthcare needs of people by making bookings seamless from practices that are currently using Allegra.
Allegra’s solutions make it possible for healthcare providers to effortlessly digitize their business and?communicate directly with their patients.
Whether you are a pharmacist, a General Practitioner, a Nurse Practitioner, Biokineticist, or any other healthcare provider, Allegra understands that you are a critical part of a multidisciplinary team in the healthcare ecosystem; we are able to provide you with accurate patient information or complete practice management solutions to deliver personalised healthcare to your patient.
For any PR or Media related queries
Contact: Ms Mologadi Ramushu
Allegra Healthcare Management
[email protected]?
Very insightful, great article.
Thank you Doctor Jaco Grobler for the amazing input. #healthtech #ivcdiagnostics