Flu and Cold and Bugs and Exercise
It's the start of flu and cold season again, as the temperature and season changes and the big question I get asked is should I exercise or give it a miss...
For anyone with a love of exercise (?)
or if you feel like you are finally getting somewhere, be it body shape, weight loss or strength, getting sick feels like a disaster. Panic sets in that you will gain loads of weight, lose all your strength and be right back to the starting point
As a runner there was a rule of thumb I followed
above the neck = safe to run
below the neck = stay at home
and while this is good advice for when you are outdoors with plenty of fresh air, being inside a gym or studio is completely different
You breathe directly into the air that someone else is breathing. You sweat and touch things and contaminate each other, then once you're better again, you catch it back
I'm vigilant with sterilising everything at the Studio but flu and bugs and the cold can spread before I get a chance
Then there is your recovery to think about, if you go and do a hard leg session and you're body is fighting a bug, you will be taking away body resources from both and slowing down your recovery
I would doubt you would have the energy to put into that leg session in the first place, so you probably wasted your time and just made things worse
Then there are the feelings of guilt and fear. Don't be feeling guilty, relax and get better so you can be fighting fit again and let's be realistic, 1 week off from exercise is not going to reverse all the good work you have done
Yes it will be harder when you come back but only for the first session or two
So, if you aren't well and aren't sure whether to do your workout or session
Take my advice, stay at home and look after yourself
Carolyne is the owner of Fit Strong Females with a Studio in Glasgow City Centre and an Online Membership Site and also a Food, Success and Food Blogger and Writer. You can contact her at [email protected] or find more information at fitstrongfemales.com