Floyd Footnotes
The Old Floydians of Sir Henry Floyd
Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School
Take a moment or two to have a look at the latest edition of Floyd Footnotes, there are articles from Old Floydians on pages 16 & 17.
Following on from the success of last year’s reunion, we are planning to hold another Old Floydians event at the school on Saturday 8th July between 2.00 - 4.00pm and you are very welcome to attend. The event will provide you with the opportunity to link up with old friends, reminisce on times past and update each other on more recent experiences. You will also be able tour the school and see what has changed - and of course what hasn't over the years since you were last here.
If you are interested in attending, please email us to confirm. If you would like to bring any family members with you then please just include their details on the email to [email protected]. Nearer the date we will email you with specific details of the event.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Saturday 8th July.