Flow Your Life .
We are living in reality of going on, moving on and going ahead . Goals and task -orientated society drive us from one achievement to another .
Competition and never stopping ambitions are synonyms of current life -style .
We must wake up early , move the body ,be proactive, effective ,productive and useful.
We must live with vision and have a plan .
We are suppose create , innovate and run this rats race on the trade mill .
Stop . Maybe just simple to be.
I love expression of my favour poetry author . If I could have a choice I wish to be a swan and swim over elegant lake.
We have promised that World will take care anyway. Only trust is requested .
We may find our doing by being first.
And here we can see a genius point of meeting West and East philosophy .
Strength lies in belief and acceptation whatever we experience on the life path .
Reaching meaningful life can be achieved just in simple ways . Oscar awards go to the masters of second plan too .
Becoming significant means serve .
Having coffee with friend , chat with family over dinner may be more important that anything else. Relationships matter .
Recreation , relaxation ,hobby are an elements of self-care. Well-being is essential .
It's like a sharping saw to cut a trees . No one is able work effectively without breaks for restoring energy and learning . Personal development and education are crucial .
Find the ways of creativity.
Figure out how to grow.
Let things happen .
All is as it is for a reason.
Let it go .
And take care .