FLOW – Vital to LEAN
Sridhar Jayaraman
Founder of BetterThanMyself.Online and jsridhar.com (Friend - Mentor - Catalyst - Advisor)
FLOW, a simple sounding common word we all know, has great impact on results. Every process in any organization has a beginning (the input) and an end (the output). If we take the example of manufacturing, it starts with raw materials flowing in, getting processed into finished goods and the final product being delivered to the customer.
A lot of attention is given to materials, equipment, manpower, money and so on. But the best results on the usage of these resources is governed by the flow of materials.?A concept called MRP (Material Requirement Planning) was envisaged by George Plossl. It was further refined as Manufacturing Resource Planning by Oliver Wight.?They set what is recognized as THE GOLDEN RULE:?
“In all Business Processes (operations or transactional), benefits are directly proportional to speed of Flow of Material & Flow of Information” ?
Sounds simple?! But so profound. So impactful in any situation. After it has been said, it sounds so obvious! After all, material (or data) is the essence of a business. Transformation of material into a useful shape is what matters. And doing it quickly and efficiently is all we need. All other resources are only aids to this core activity.?
Following the Golden Rule results in several benefits:?
1.??????Customer Delight through timely deliveries
2.??????Better Cash Flows as faster deliveries reduce total time taken between raw material and billing
3.??????Higher Revenue as productivity increases thus facilitating more production in lesser time
4.??????Lower Inventories release blocked funds and better utilization of money
5.??????Reduction in Expenses caused by avoidance of rushing through work, extended hours, rectification of mistakes caused in a hurry and so on.?
Understanding the value of time, creating a well-designed process and smoothening of interdependent processes are natural requirements to derive these benefits.?
Next week, we will discuss TIME from the LEAN point of view.?
Bye, until then.
Here's the link to my last week's article: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/best-business-practices-sridhar-j ?
LEAN MURALI, my mentor in understanding LEAN, has a magnificent mission. His mission is to help one million young professionals become Lean Champions. Towards this, he conducts a weekly one hour online Knowledge Sharing Session where he explains Lean, Six Sigma concepts in a simple manner that is easy follow. He believes that spreading knowledge to hungry minds is no less than donating blood or feeding the poor. This is absolutely FREE and anyone can participate. Those interested in these free live sessions can opt to register through the following link:https://tinyurl.com/freelean You can also share this link with any of your friends who may be interested and can benefit from it.