Flow Lookup Tables in EEMS
In a recent blog, we provided an overview of simulating hydraulic structures in EEMS. As a continuation, this blog details the rating table/flow lookup table to help users understand the nuanced dynamics of hydraulic structure simulations. These tools are pivotal for accurately determining flow rates based on varying water surface elevations, enabling precise modeling and simulation of hydraulic behaviors.
EEMS 12.1 Now Available
Last week, we announced the release of EEMS 12.1. A description of improvements and bug fixes in EFDC+ Explorer can be found here, and the new setup can be downloaded at this link. Of particular note are the following enhancements to EFDC+:
These EFDC+ enhancements are more fully described here. Please let us know if you have comments or questions. ?
In the News
Effects of tidal hydrology on soil phosphorus forms in the Yellow River estuary wetland: A field study of soil core translocation
Phosphorus (P) forms in soil are related to the P cycle and play an important role in maintaining the productivity and function of wetlands. Tidal hydrology is a key factor controlling soil P forms in estuary wetlands; however, the response of soil P forms to tidal hydrological changes remains unclear. A translocation experiment in the Yellow River Estuary wetland was conducted to study the effect of hydrological changes on P forms in the soil, in which freshwater marsh soils in the supratidal zone were translocated to salt marshes in different intertidal zones (up-high-tidal zone, high-tidal zone, and middle-tidal zone).