Flow Is A Gift From The Earth
You all know I love water. And I love talking about the flow that is intrinsic to water. And I’ll say it again because it's the truth: we are the flow. A lot of us feel separate from the flow and we feel like we’re stuck. Like we can’t make any money. Like we’re resigned to the stereotype of the starving artist, or that other people are more skilled than us. And that makes us feel disconnected from the flow.
Reclaiming The Flow
For a long time, I was always making myself be separate. And that really stopped me from my own growth and my own visibility. But if you realize that you are part of the flow, you're not separate from the flow, then not only are you in the flow, but you actually are the flow!
Try that on and see how that feels: I am in the flow and I am the flow. And when you really get that into your being, when you really feel that on a cellular level, everything is going to shift for you.
If you start to feel some resistance, I want you to just notice your breath. Because every breath that comes in is from the same air that's around us. We're all breathing the same air, whether you're in Boulder, Colorado, or London, England. That's one way that we're all connected.
You're also standing on the earth. And everything that you enjoy comes from Earth: your clothes, your food, a swimming pool, the water. Everything is a gift from the earth to us. And it's all moving through us. The food you eat is literally moving through you and it is nourishing you and your body knows how to take apart what it needs and how to release the rest. It’s the same with breath. It's moving through you.
So both the infinite quality and the earthly qualities are in you and through you and of you - and you are intricately intertwined. And that's a super liberating and super fun place to play in! Because when you realize that not only are you in the flow, but you are the flow, then everything becomes easy, effortless, abundant and inevitable.