Flourish your life with positive thoughts

Flourish your life with positive thoughts

These seven mantras should help you flourish your life. These seven should get you started: Gratitude. Joy. Kindness and Friendship. Wonder and Awe. Patience. Hope, Faith, and Resilience. Forgiveness. The above should help reduce anger, frustration, greed, and various forms of animosity and conflict. Beyond that there is a certain joy and integrity in knowing that you are treating humans as humans instead of objects. However, according to the Stoics, the basic virtues to cultivate were wisdom, courage, justice and temperance.

We have Courage that guides us to do the right thing in spite of our fears and reservations. We have Temperance to stop our mind falling under the control of addictive behaviour, laziness and greed. We have Justice to promote fair action that benefits the whole community and finally we have Wisdom, the virtue that allows us to see the world more clearly and helps us to determine what is good and bad.

You can start with yourself, you must love yourself in order to apply the self discipline and care needed to have something of yourself to offer to another. Second, Honesty. If you are not honest, how can you expect to have anyone in your life who will be honest with you, besides your mother? Third, Respect. You must respect yourself for others to respect you. Last, Curiosity. This world and life will fill you with awe and wonder.

According to Morrie Schwartz, love each other or perish. I would like to propose these as the most important 3 human qualities: Trust. Gratitude. Humility. Trust gives you an incredible sense of security. Gratitude makes you appreciate the things you have, give wanting things a break. This brings happiness. Humility, you're thinking of others first. This makes not only you, but everyone around you happy. It's win-win.

I know I needed to learn how to listen first so I can learn how to talk and be heard. And only then when I listened to others I saw myself in them. And also I have learned that I don't have to see everything sometimes or understand what am I doing and whats next because if I need to do it right I ll do it the right way one way or another. As long as it will server some one and make them happy! There are several D's which we need to follow religiously.

Dignity (Latin/Roman: Dignitas), De (Chinese & Daoism: Inherent Character, Inner Power, Integrity). Dedication (~Reliability, Trustworthiness). Decisiveness (The Ability to make very Wise Decisions). Discipline (Latin/Roman: Disciplina). Dutybound (Latin/Roman: Pietas; DUTY). Diligence (Latin/Roman: Industria). Defence (Self-Defence & in regards to caring about others). Daya (Sikhism: Compassion), Divination (Provision, Prognosis, Prognostication, Providence). Determination (Positive Emotional Feeling towards a Mission). Discernment (Sharp Perception and Skillful Decision-Making). Durability (Resistance, Strength, Forcefulness). Deathlessness (Lack of Fear of Death, Longevity, Rejuvenation). Dramatization (Reasonable positive scripting of interesting events allowing to develop values, virtues, and great character. Emotional Feelings development). Democracy (Key aspect of Prosperous Social System). Cheers!


