Florian Kaefer Interviewed & 2025 Yearbook Sneak Peek
The Place Brand Observer
Boutique Swiss Publisher & Global Knowledge Hub for Place Branding Success: Inspiring Stories, Benchmarking, Guidance.
Greetings, friends and followers!
At the recent Global Soft Power Summit in London, I had the opportunity to chat with Konrad Jagodzinski of Brand Finance about the intricate links between tourism, sustainability, and soft power. This was part of my two day experience of the summit which included a panel session that I moderated on this very topic with Bhutan, Türkiye and Africa (see my LinkedIn post).
The interview was more of a brief statement, compared to the hour-long panel, nevertheless potentially useful for you in that it provides a glimpse into the evolving dynamics of place branding (and what the Global Soft Power Summit looks like – meet you there next year?).
Key Takeaways
During the interview – and our panel session, we discussed several critical topics. One of the main themes was the often overlooked but powerful relationship between tourism and soft power. This connection is essential for regions and countries looking to enhance their global reputation and influence.
Evolution of Soft Power Through Sustainability in Tourism
We explored how tourism can go beyond traditional sustainability practices. The goal is not just to balance economic, environmental, and social aspects but to create a net positive impact. This means that tourism should actively benefit communities and natural environments, rather than merely minimizing harm. This evolution in sustainability is crucial for fostering long-term positive change and enhancing a region’s soft power.
Learning and Networking Opportunities
The Global Soft Power Summit and platforms like The Place Brand Observer provide invaluable opportunities for learning and networking. These events allow professionals to benchmark their progress, draw inspiration from peers, and share best practices. Understanding where we stand and identifying areas for improvement are key to advancing our place branding strategies effectively.
You can watch the full interview below or on YouTube.
Sneak Peek: 2025 Place Brand Leaders Yearbook
The Place Brand Leaders Yearbook 2025 is shaping up to be a remarkable project. With Brand Finance as our principal sponsor, we are looking forward to a dedicated session at their flagship event, the Global Soft Power Summit in London in February 2025 (date tbc).
This Yearbook will feature over 20 cities and countries, showcasing their unique approaches to #placebranding - #placemaking and #placemarketing for #economicdevelopment, #talentattraction #livability. The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive, and we are eager to see the final collection of case studies and insights.
Curious what a yearbook looks like? Download your free copy of our 2024 Yearbook here
Country and City Observatories Updated
Recently we've been busy adding and updating new city and country profiles to our observatory - big thanks to Anezka Postlerova and Alexander Crawford for the research and editorial support!
Have a look and join us as we explore their sustainability performance, place brand strength and reputation, according to leading rankings and indices!
Stay tuned for more updates on the Yearbook and exciting developments in place branding!
Thanks for reading,
Dr Florian Kaefer | Publisher, TPBO
Want to say hello or work together? Write me a message or connect with me on LinkedIn.