Florence: Happy 200th!
200 years ago Florence Nightingale was born in Florence, Italy. TODAY in HERSTORY: Many worldwide are observing & celebrating her Bicentennial (May 12, 1820-2020). What a Lady, Leader, Light and Lamp to a brighter future ahead.
Although her accomplishments have inspired many millions of women and nurses worldwide, her legacy is for everyone who loves GREAT examples of courage, love and service. I particularly like this quote by Florence Nightingale:
Rather, ten times, die in the surf, heralding the way to a new world, than stand idly on the shore.
Want to absorb new info about her? Watch this 3-minute youtube video biography.
Florence Nightingale: Changing the Field of Nursing
Also, in this era of an overabundance of TV News about everything we need to fear, let's consider this quote by Florence to find new perspective.
Finally, as we recall GREAT leaders of the past, like her and others who have 'blazed trails' to give us a brighter future, let's remember that in special ways --- THEY ARE STILL WITH US TO GUIDE US FURTHER. Consider this inspiring article...
Florence: Mystic, Visionary, Healer