Flop this Flips!
Dr. Michelle Sands, ND
Hormone Expert # 1 Best Selling Author, Speaker, and Top Naturopathic Physician for Midlife Women
Ready for this? No flip-flops for a week challenge! Read more about it here:
Let’s face it… flip-flops can be awesome during the warmer months. They’re comfortable, quick to put on, come in lots of cute styles, and keep your tootsies cool.
But check this out: In a 2008 study, researchers at Auburn University found that flip-flops actually change the way people walk - sometimes permanently. And those changes can wreak havoc on the rest of the body, with distinct and noticeable effects on everything from your posture to your gait.
So what’s the outcome? Did the people from the study tell us to never wear flip flops again?! Do we really need to ditch our fav summer shoes?
No! Just like so many other things in life, flip-flops are fine…as long as we aren’t wearing them ALL of the time.
Here are a few suggestions:
? Just like you would with your running shoes, replace your flip-flops every few months. Too much wear and tear could be dangerous.
? Be cautious of your surroundings. Flip-flops don’t give you much protection, so be careful of where you’re walking and what you’re walking on.
? Spoil yourself! Treat yourself to a pedicure, or be sure you’re taking the time to make sure your feet are clean and taken care of. Also, be careful of getting too much sun exposure.
? Choose leather if possible. They tend to be a little kinder to your feet and last a little longer.
? Your flip-flops should not be flimsy. Anything meant to support your feet, shouldn’t bend easily.
This week- your challenge is to treat your feet right! If you wear flip-flops all of the time, switch it up this week and show your feet a little love.
If you’ve got flimsy flip-flops, ditch them for a better, more supportive option OR skip them all together this week.
And maybe even get a pedicure ?
Are you up for the challenge? Let us know below if you’re in!