Flooring Sales Tip: Part II; Closing Techniques That Work
Columnist at Floor Trends Magazine. Also, author of Selling Retail Floor Covering - A Humanistic Approach by Buddy Wisdom-2021 Edition - semi-retired -
“Most sales have been won or loss long before we ask for the commitment. Trying to make up for a poor sales presentation by coming up with a magical close is like nailing Jell-O to the wall. It doesn’t stick and it makes a mess.” -- J Oliver Crom and Michael Crom -- “The Sales Advantage”
Buddy Wisdom is the author of Selling Retail Floorcovering - A Humanistic Approach (2015 Edition) See link below.
Again, closing techniques are one of the most popular topics in the selling business. While I am enthusiastic about the effectiveness of these articles, please be aware, many, in fact most selling situations do not require a closing technique beyond asking for the order. Sometimes conditions just unravel to a point that she may actually ask you to move things along.
Furthermore, if you are overly focusing on the close, then you are stuck in your own head. And, if you’re stuck in your own head, then you are making the sales process about you and not the prospect. As a result, you can’t be focusing on the prospect and how you can best fill his or her needs.
Closes that work:
“I am a strong closer.” “Close early and close often.” I’ve heard these or some alteration of these claims numerous times from salespeople – “I can close anybody.” “Just call me the hammer, I close hard.” “I could sell a ketchup Popsicle to a women in white gloves.” (I actually heard that once.) These phrases suggest that the act of closing includes some use of force or control in order to push the sale through. It is no wonder the majority of sales people feel they can never become the great closer they want to be. Their clientele would never tolerate such a caustic approach from a salesperson.
The most obvious prerequisite to closing is trust. If a “close” is to be effective, beyond anything, trust is essential. Becoming the “trusted advisor” is critical. This may be the reason that it is said that the “greeting” is the beginning of “closing.” If she doesn’t trust you—she won’t trust your close. I can only surmise that the “Strong Closer” described above may be in need of some serious help in the areas of greeting, relating, listening, presenting, and asking questions that communicate.
Shortly below, are several closes that when called for, will be constructive in finalizing or inspiring a floor covering sale. Believe me, there are literally hundreds of additional closes to choose from through many books and authors and in varied terms and similarities. This brings me to an unusual dilemma. Because there are so many authors and variations on “closes” handed down and refined by generations of gifted salespeople, it is difficult to give ownership to any particular “close” to any one author. It appears that nameless salespeople, initially bearing their situation, simply had an inspiration about the buying psychology of people, and therefore invented connected “closes.” However, many of the following closes are my own developed over years of selling – particularly floor covering.
Case in point, while writing this book, I called and had a conversation with a well-published selling author about a unique technique in his book. When I asked him how he got his idea, he replied, “I saw it someplace.” There was a short pause as he apparently reflected on his statement and he added, “I’m not that smart.” I used the idea, although revised, and gave him full recognition for the concept. I still have not come upon that particular idea elsewhere.
Before moving on to effective closes, let me make an important point. This book is a humanistic approach to selling. Still, if I can facilitate the customer’s path of purchasing, and if this is a product she needs and will appreciate and there are no detrimental conditions to anyone, then I have no qualms in the use of psychological creations or inspired inventive settings in order to create whatever emotional justification is necessary to influence the customer’s outlook and buying inclination.
The Simply – Ask Close is the easiest, simplest close to master and the close most often mentioned in my earlier articles about flooring sales. Simply ask for the order. “If you have no further questions or objections – let’s get this going.” “When can we measure?” The prerequisite to this close is that you have asked plenty of opinion questions that have been met with positive responses. You commit no fouls in this close and you can always attempt to close in other ways.
Let me tell you my definition of closing in this case: After all steps of the selling process are seemingly complete, closing is simply asking for a decision when you are pretty sure a person is going to say, “Yes.” The reason you know is that your customer has given you plenty of feedback and positive signals – in either words or body language.
However, there may be a time when you attempt to close, and the customer is not ready in spite of your best probing abilities and she will let you know it. Simply state: “I’m sorry. I thought you were ready to go ahead with the purchase. I didn’t mean to rush you. What other concerns do you have that we haven’t addressed?”
The Customer Satisfaction Sheet Close (Testimonial)
This one did not come from a textbook. While managing a store for a mid-sized flooring chain, the late Bernie Cohen (I dedicated this book to him) walked in and announced that he was there as an advisor – indefinitely. Well, at least I remained manager – ostensively anyway.
Now at that time, I knew more of Bernie Cohen than I knew about him. Bernie had owned a successful chain of flooring stores and somehow lost or sold them during a business transaction. Bernie was the type of fellow when it came to marketing and sales management who seemed to perform pure magic and I do not think anyone, Bernie included, ever figured out his enigma. Personally, I believe he had experience and confidence in himself and an intuitive way of installing confidence in other people (among other great qualities.)
Anyway, we had a “Customer Satisfaction Sheet” already in place, which was a questionnaire beginning with the buying experience and ending on the second part with the installation experience. Each question had small boxes for a “yes" or “no” answer plus several lines for “other comments.” Below all that was a larger box with the COD amount and then a line for the customer to sign. Every installer had to have this customer survey signed if he or she were to be paid.
Every store should have one of these. Knowing that each customer must sign the survey sheet at the end of every installation, the quality, and carefulness of the workmanship was often elevated by the installer. Because the questions were pointed enough to prompt the customer to inspect the work, it helped eliminate installation “call backs.” Signed customer surveys may also assure finance companies of consumer satisfaction before paying your store.
No one in our company ever thought of using the satisfaction sheets as testimonials. On a given day, we could easily have four or five of these surveys returned. One day Bernie was looking through a few surveys attached to all the sales invoices, he simply got up from his seat, and thumb tacked all of them on one wall of the showroom. (He made copies for the customer file.) The problem was that it looked tacky.
Eventually, that wall began to look like paper graffiti and the accumulation of all the sheets began to become very conspicuous to customers who were browsing. When a customer walked over to observe and read them I would say placidly, “You know not all of those surveys are about happy customers.” Customer: “Really, which ones are bad?” Now, I would know exactly where the mediocre sheets were but I would pretend to look carefully for one, two or three and point them out. I recall one customer saying, “I really respect you putting the good up with the bad.” In cases like this, customers respect your honest disclaimer; they realize that no company can be faultless despite their best endeavors.
One of my favorite, less than perfect responses, to our survey that stands out in my mind was on the first question concerning the installation; I believe it said, “Was the installer courteous and polite.” Below that, she inserted “Yea, once they finally got here.” Everything else was pristine. Bernie chuckled and he said, “That’s great!” Maybe you have to be in a difficult installation business where the unexpected is usually expected to cause inevitable delays in order to appreciate the humor of that criticism. Up on the wall it went!
After Bernie left us, our district manager came in with regained control and told us the Customer Surveys had to go. (I did say they were tacky.) What to do? Tacky on the one hand, convincing on the other, I began pulling each one off the wall when a unique Testimonial Close evolved in my mind. I purchased a large three-ring book, punched holes in all of the sheets, and randomly inserted all of the wrinkled pages into the book. I titled the book – guess what – “Customer Testimonials.”
Here is the closing technique that followed: I waited until a customer eventually asked about guarantees or warranties. After necessary discussion, I implored, “Do you want to see my company’s best guarantee?” Then, I simply handed them the book.
The customer’s response upon glancing through literally hundreds of signed and individualized testimonials was usually one of a “blank stare.” Rarely was much said as they turned thru the pages. Testimonial Closes work by providing evidence from a credible source. Even if they do not entirely trust you, they are much more likely to trust someone who is similar to them. As they closed the book, I inquire, “Would you like to set up a measure and move ahead.” How bold of me.
The Measuring Service Close
Asking for a measure rarely renders a non-sale when done properly, which brings us to the next close. A measure is simply asking the customer to make a minor decision, which will eventually carry the major decision. Furthermore, measuring clarifies the order for the final decision.
Measuring services can be an invaluable asset to your company. Measuring services provide scaled diagrams correctly measured, the layout with seam locations, the type, and condition of the subfloor and any needed floor preparation. Good measuring services also note excessive furniture, and appliances including unusual ones. Even the light direction (for better seaming) is indicated – all signed off by the customer. A good measurer even clarifies any unusual customer habits or unforeseen practices of the customer (I.E. wheelchairs.) Trained measuring services are your “eyes” on the jobsite. (See CRI 105 official measuring & planning standards)
Independent measurers save your company costly estimating errors especially when inexperienced salespeople are involved. These error savings are particularly true when a competent colleague reviews the yardage or square foot calculations based on the total length of the “cuts” calculated to complete the job correctly. Furthermore, if the diagram does contain incorrect measurements, scale drawings usually catch errors because the dimensional balances of the diagram rarely correspond – the drawing lines do not match up.
Now, when a customer says, “When can you measure?” (or when things seem right you ask to set up a measure) Move quickly and get the prospect out of the market. “Let’s set it up right now” is a good reply. This is an immediate way of removing the customer from the shopping market, and all it requires is a very small measuring deposit. Notice I said deposit not payment.
So, after seemingly all obstacles are out of the way, suggest a measure. Before explaining the deposit or particulars of the measuring service, get all pertinent information on your “Measurement Sheet” … name, address, convenient time to measure, rooms to measure etc. (Discussing rooms to measure allows a way to increase the size of the order – make sure you discuss it now and why or you may be re-measuring.)
Next, the final careful phraseology, “Although we do not have any charge for measuring, we do require a small deposit before ordering; all I need from you right now is a partial deposit of $20.00 – completely refundable to the balance. If that’s agreeable to you, we can move forward and have our independent, professional measurer out to your home tomorrow (or whatever time has been established as convenient).” If you have handled all other parts of the sale well, rarely does she ultimately refuse, and if she does, it is your opportunity to discover her reason for doing so. Oh blessings, you might even get a missed objection. Remember you can always still measure yourself at no cost.
Asking for $20.00 usually covers a significant portion of the measuring expense, and you now have a degree of financial commitment from the customer. Furthermore, it is not so much money that she cannot walk away from the order if she feels the need to, but it never ceases to amaze me what customers will do to hold on to that $20.00. Here is why. Let me ask you a simple question: If you were walking along and stumbled upon a twenty-dollar bill lying on the floor would you pick it up? Of course, you would. At least I would. Hard cash definitely has its merits and it often speaks prominently.
Here is the real proof, and in this case, I speak with more than just empirical evidence. Bernie Cohen, initially very skeptical of measuring services, charted our success or lack of it for a significant period. The customers who said “no” to a measuring deposit, which was rare when conditions were properly conveyed, (they) very rarely bought flooring even though we measured without a deposit. Those “no” customers either gave us stories why they really could not buy flooring at this time (One woman went into detail about her impending health expenses.) or they admitted to whatever other hidden objection to avoid paying a $20.00 measuring deposit. Perhaps they were simply not “sold” enough. Others wanted to shop everywhere and have everybody measure since they obviously felt measuring was a part of every quote (an objection that is diffusible). In any case we measured regardless without the deposit.
After reviewing the success rate of financially committed customers (literally about 98%) and the nearly zero result of measured prospects without deposits, Bernie remarked, “This is very revealing; those who refuse to give us a deposit are totally wasting our time and resources without fail.” In other words, the prospects who remained committed to a measurement without a small financial binder and we measured anyway, rarely actually bought while those who did give deposits rarely didn’t buy. Meaning, the measuring service, effectively closed the sale 98% of the time.
Measuring services have gained immense popularity in recent years. In most locations, measuring services are relatively inexpensive considering the time you save, and your time is especially important when you consider the opportunity cost while you are out measuring away from the selling floor. Unfortunately, measuring services are still unpopular by some flooring dealers who have had prolonged success “doing it the old way.” However, busy show rooms call for essential tools and a measuring service implements a tremendous timesaving.
For instance, “High Probability Selling,” (See Jacques Werth and Nicholas E. Ruben – 1977 Paperback) writes an essential concept in any selling scenario. “Many sales agents spend an inordinate amount of their selling time with prospects that will never buy. Selling to some degree will always be a numbers game – good sales people merely narrow the odds.”
When the customer arrives at my store after measuring, usually by appointment, I have a complete folder with the diagram and the measurer’s notes that I insist upon reviewing. When the measuring sums and seam locations are discussed, customers understand more than you might think. Plus clarifications halt misunderstandings and create trust. Of course, I create the final invoice with all relevant paper work with the measuring deposit shown as part of a total deposit needed along with the balance due upon completion.
Stock at the mill or the warehouse is predetermined. After all questions are addressed, all I have to do is hand her a pen and say, “If you will please initial this for me, I will get this moving for us.” (The rare time I use the Signature Close – otherwise presumptuous.)
So, if you do not already have a measuring service, how do you establish one? I personally use Home Depot’s independent measuring service because they are experienced, tried and tested and they work on a large economy of scale. (Believe what you may loathe, but Home Depot did not become one of the largest flooring retailers without doing some things right.) Assuming that is not possible, look for retired installers, local students from colleges, universities, vocational schools or a bright high school student, all needing some manners and an analytical mind with a dependable car. Most students need part time jobs, the revenue is all theirs to keep, and to an extent, they can work on their schedule.
Ask-the-Manager Close:
This is a little shady, but it often works. Inform the customer that you only have limited authority to give discounts or other benefits and that you will have to ask your manager to give more. You can at this point ask if the customer wants you to do this. Then go to speak with the manager. Come back and say you have managed to persuade the manager to give some extra discount or advantage. Example: I'm sorry that's my best offer that I am allowed to give. But, we're a bit below target and I'm sure if I ask my manager he might shave a little more off for you. Is that ok? Then, with time to think, you return with permission to give whatever reasonable incentive needed to close the sale. “Well, he took some persuading but I said we are nearly there so she agreed to an additional ...” Note: not everything constitutes a price reduction.
The basic principle here is that in approaching their manager, the sales person is setting up an exchange; you have put yourself out for them, so they are now obliged to do something for you -- like buy the product. This is amplified, as the manager can be a fear-inspiring figure of authority, thus making the salesperson a courageous warrior, fighting on behalf of the customer. Having to ask the manager also puts a break in discounting and some people will pay the given price rather than add the hassle of the manager's intervention.
There are, of course, several variants of what happens when you go to speak with the manager, including whether the manager is visible and whether the manager comes to speak with the customer. A simple but effective method is that the customer can see you arguing with the manager and clearly taking some heat on their behalf. You then return with the final offer.
Bernie and I had an ongoing arrangement where when either of us was losing a sale and we knew it, before the customer left the showroom unsold, we asked permission to have a quick chat with the sales manager to see if there were other options that could be provided. If nothing else, the “quick chat” affords you some additional time to refocus and figure out why she is leaving your store unsold. What’s missing to complete the sale? That customer is going to buy her floor covering somewhere – why not here.
It doesn’t hurt to have the manager come out greet the customer with the normal pleasantries and offer the discount himself – even if you are the manager.
The Incremental Cost Close
Many selling authors believe in always showing the better merchandise first. Their thinking is that you can always go down in price but it is more difficult to go up in price. To the contrary, qualify the customer and initially take them to the medium price range of samples or stock that suits their request. Naturally, a customer asking for an inexpensive flooring should not be taken to the highest or lowest priced merchandise in the store.
During the sales discussion, at some point, after tentative selections are made, depending on the circumstances, I may suggest, “Perhaps price is not all you are looking for.” (You might also use this statement when moving from “roll stock” to your “discount showroom.”) I generally show at least one upgrade and one below it. “For the fun of it, let me show you something I think you might really like.” This creates comparison-shopping within your own store when you can move both ways on price, quality, and fashion. If the step-up seems plausible to the customer, I mention to the customer, “And it will only cost you – estimate if you have to (the exact differential cost) more than you were prepared to pay.”
I always add, “And your house will look like a showpiece.” Their responses are revealing when they consider the relatively small differential price on a large expenditure for their aspiring home. (This concept is especially useful in credit selling because you may further break the cost difference into monthly payments.)
Remember, most customers can actually spend considerably more than they pretend. As previously discussed in earlier articles, customers are usually looking for a beautiful home not just a low price.
The Interior Designer Close
Most of my customers do not enter my store with architects or interior design experts; if they had these experts, they probably would not be in my store. True, many prospects badly need design help, which brings me to the next close and an invaluable service to offer your customer.
Interior designers are paid handsomely via retainers etc. to go to the house, measure, create expert design services, and rescue and retrieve revised colors along with photographs of the home etc. Many flooring salespeople (I hesitantly include myself) are not trained well enough to pull off college educated design services successfully. I confess that my degree in Marketing and Accounting has not adequately prepared me to be a professional interior designer in the home fashions industry. But I try and stay abreast of the fashion industry which we are obviously a member of. (Be sure to have plenty of Interior design magazines scattered about your store – it shows class and sophistication.)
I usually benefit from an ASID interior designer on staff or for this closing technique, an independent designer retained with a reciprocal arrangement whereby I send her referrals and she in return uses my showroom and manufacturing accounts at a fair share of the profit (similar to a commission) for upscale business that I would ordinarily never see. My designer sometimes makes more than I do using my store and its resources — talk about “win-win.”
If it is a referral for design business only, I get all the profits on the floor-covering sale and she makes the design fees plus-plus. To start the process moving, I make a qualified call to my independent designer, usually on the spot… “Madelyn, I have a customer here etc.,” and I hand the customer the phone. In this close, the interior designer invariably makes the close naturally via the commitment and in the normal course of her trade and services.
“If I Could Would Ya Close.”
Let me tell you of another interesting closing technique that was successfully attempted on me with one of my suppliers. I had taken over a new store and the previous owner had purchased a delivered display that I was under no true obligation to buy. I felt the sampler had all the wrong patterns based on what I believed would sell best. After much discussion of what I would have selected, the manufacturer’s representative simply said to me “Buddy, if I could accomplish this for you, will you buy the display?” He had me! I had no choice but to say “yes” to the order or feel like a two-faced liar and an idiot.
The display was expensive, but I had clearly articulated what I would have bought and based on my own arguments, I needed it. Did he simply ask me for the order or did he “close me.” I think there is a subliminal difference, a use of inducement if you will. It was a close! Regardless, it may actually beat the hell out of “simply asking for the order.” I bought it.
Anytime a customer begins sounding off an objection or a laundry of objections that can easily be handled, a straightforward way to close the prospect is to inquire after careful listening, “If I could do that for you, would you be agreeable to the order.”
She must answer. She set the trap; you are just candidly asking the prospect to accept her own words. Now is a good time to be silent. If she answers “yes,” you have an order- if you can truly appease her needs. If she hedges, you explore her logic without demeaning her.
I have not yet encountered the exact close above in my current research. However, many years ago, I saw something similar in a flooring distributor selling tape. A studied colleague of mine thought it might be called the “If I Could Would Ya Close.” Regardless, it works when the right occasion presents itself. What is particularly noteworthy about this down-to-earth close is that one must inherently ask for the order – it’s actually a part of the close.
Please don’t confuse this with the “What would it take to earn your business today” - a trite sales slogan sometimes used by the car industry.
The “Its In-Stock Close”
In most industries, customers often have a perceived idea of the most economical or value based way to purchase. The floor covering industry is no exception to such perceptions of value. To receive the best deal, some customers perceive in stock carpet rolls or remnants as the way of a bargain.
I have used this in-stock closing technique many times when dealing with inventory purchases. Because this is a fashion business, and because in-stock inventory limits selection, it is sometimes necessary to expand choices while holding on to the in stock concept. I do this by finding exact (or similar) samples of the quality of an in stock choice that is either too big or too small or not the perfect color. Once the correct color is found off samples, I simply call “my” warehouse at the mill and check stock for mill remnants, short rolls or roll balances etc. that will meet my customer’s exact needs. I then give the corresponding roll-price reduction on the exact size of the roll found. Next, I then present this as additional warehouse stock that can be transferred in just a couple of days. In this way, I have created a solution that meets the aspiration of the customer and it includes a genuine discount.
See Part III Wednesday on linked.com
Buddy Wisdom, Sales Author