Floods, Kelp, and PowerBloc
YouSolar, Inc.
YouSolar sells a high-power solar+battery nano-grid system that can be the primary power supply to a home or business.
Less than a year ago, biblical downpours followed a historic drought in Southern Europe. Last week, parts of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Austria became a water world. The next once-in-500-year flood did not even let the year elapse.
The cause of recent droughts and downpours in Europe is the heating of the atmosphere. Air can hold?7% more moisture with every 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) increase in temperature.
The French physicist émile Clapeyron observed this relationship in 1835, and his German colleague Rudolf Clausius derived it from thermodynamic principles in 1950. It is known as the Clausius-Clapeyron Law (CC Law).
Nature agrees with the theory. In the Northern Hemisphere,?precipitation during extreme events has increased by 7.3% per degree of average temperature rise.
Carbon dioxide emissions from human activities are responsible for heating the atmosphere. The only rational response is to cut emissions.
YouSolar is in the business of cutting emissions, but it is an unglamorous and tough job.?
This is why venture capitalists (VCs) do not invest in companies like YouSolar. They want solutions that are “novel” and “scale.”
VCs invested millions of dollars in a company that proposed sequestering carbon emissions using kelp, which is expected to sink to the bottom of the ocean, taking CO2 with it. The startup ran into the reality of marine biology and?sank millions of dollars into the abyss before its kelp did.
Earth’s biological and geological processes are dramatically complex, so manipulating Earth’s processes with “novel solutions at scale” is a terrible idea. This brings us back to avoiding carbon dioxide emissions in the first place. Solar panels, batteries, and power electronics work.
What YouSolar has done is revolutionize power architecture and deliver the first practical utility replacement. The YouSolar PowerBloc is a solution that gets the job done.
We Are Committed to Cutting Carbon
It Is an Unglamorous and Tough Job
But It Works. Invest in YouSolar