Flooding is not the only challenge for Venice
One of the challenges that Venice faces is high water levels, which can cause flooding in the city.
The high water levels in Venice are known as "acqua alta" in Italian, and occur when the tides rise above their normal level. This can be caused by a combination of factors, including seasonal variations, storm surges, and wind patterns.
Usually, tidal events have a very short duration. For example, when the high tide reaches a maximum value of 120 centimetres, it lasts an average of less than an hour and a half.
Even when there is high water, you can still move around the city walking on designated pedestrian routes - partly consisting in temporary elevated platforms - which can be used up to when the height of the tide reaches 120 centimetres.
For example, in Piazza San Marco, one of the lowest areas of Venice, high water becomes perceptible when the height of the tide is greater than 82 centimetres. If the tide level rises up to 105 centimetres, the area of the Rialto Bridge also begins to flood; while in the square in front of the railway station, 135 centimetres of tide are needed for the water to touch the walking level. Other areas of the city are even higher.
There are other daily challenges when you can see during your visit in Venice. You can see common activities such as household waste collection or sewer cleaning that are a little different from other cities.
Figure 1 shows the vehicles which are used for the removal of solid waste from households. Waste sorting in households is ensured at the basic level. Paper and everything else. Vehicles are usually pulled over bridges and stairs during morning hours. For this, they have small wheels that are used in combination with the big ones.
If there is a need to take out a sump or in general to ensure the maintenance of the sewage pipeline, a boat is used with a tank where they pump the wastewater/sludge. Of course, it is necessary to assemble the pipeline just in case as you can see on video below.