Floating Analysis and Value Stream Mapping
The emergent nature of practices and the accelerating pace of business has become a toxic mix for the enterprise. The need for a central core has become glaringly evident.
My recent rant, Floating Analysis and the Process River, led me to think about one of many practices getting new life these days --- value stream mapping. I highly recommend reading Demystifying the term VALUE STREAM, and I’m not certainly not suggesting value stream analysis is not important!
In fact, it’s something we’ve been doing for some time and should continue to do so. The USM method can help!
If ineffective and inefficient value streams are the problem, the traditional approach starts at the outside of that problem because it focuses on the symptoms. It doesn’t start at the inside, focusing on the cause of these symptoms. An approach that focuses on the symptoms is not a sustainable approach: it will keep you busy forever, as the ever-changing conditions will lead to ever-changing symptoms. The only sustainable approach is an approach that focuses on the cause of these symptoms. And that requires a methodical approach, based on principles, not on ever-changing practices. The practices should be the result of these principles.
This is how the USM Method works: it specifies the inside, the heart of the system that produces the symptoms, in a methodical way that underpins effectiveness and efficiency. Designing that system in an effective and efficient way can then lead to effective and efficient practices: the practical value streams you are looking for. - Demystifying the term VALUE STREAM
So, as you analyze streams of related activity to maximize customer value, consider the following:
Like a skilled river guide navigating the tumult, we require a stabilizing force to regain control midstream. Without this central anchor, we risk being swept away by the chaos, losing sight of the path forward amid the turbulence.
If you’re doing value stream analysis, take a serious look at the USM method!?