Prof. Lora Levitchi
Open to Global Financial Transformations; Ex SVP Citi; JPMorgan Chase; New York Life; Author/Writer
Iubite, eu sunt un suflet ca si tine,
Ce astrii atinge~n zbor prin Univers,
Te caut de mii de ani, incerc sa dau de tine,
In inima mea lumina incandescenta
Inflorit-a in floare de LOTUS,
Chemand sa fie intregita prin dragoste deplina.
Am strabut milenii, m~am scufundat in mari,
Sa caut prin valuri de clestar,
Iluzia de sticla transparenta a perfectiunii lui
Si am gasit-o privind din varf de munte,
La marea de smarald incondeiata cu recifuri de corali.
Am cautat urcand cu greu in munti,
Vulcanii semi adormiti, sa-i cercetaz daca a lor lava,
Poate sa stinga dorul ce a~nflorit ca cea mai pura floare alba
Cu miez plin de jaratec ce- a innebunit pe multi.
Si am suit pe piscuri inzapezite ,
Urmand a caprii negre traseu intortocheat,
Ca sa vorbesc cu vulturi ce tot vazut~au in lume,
Si ar putea sa stie daca o dragoste neimplinita are leac.
M~am aplecat s~ascult si vantul printre cetini, de brad inzapezite mult,
El sa imi spuna cum focul florii mele din suflet sa il sting,
Sa pot dupa atata multa alergatura printre astre,
Eu capul jos sa pun, odihna si pacea de demult,
Sa pot sa o cunosc,
Bulgarul- foc din miezu-i fraged sa cutez s-ating.
Am intrebat si primavara, dulcea craiasa,
Ce invesmantata in voaluri de petale,
Iesita-mi in cant de ghiocei in intampinare
Suav m~a intrebat locul unde ma doare.
Iar EU in dreptul inimii i~am aratat.
Venit~a vara si a trimis pe soare,
Sa ma~nconjoare cu~o diadema
de diamante facute din manunchi de raze multe,
Dorul sa imi aline si singuratea din anii traiti fara de tine,
Dar eu intoarsa~mi fatza de la el, caci eu te vreau pe tine.
Si toamna~n ajutor sarit~a cu care incarcate,
De recolta ingreunata in spice aurii de grau,
Si fructe~n miresmate si campuri multicolore,
Si codrii picurati de aur rubiniu venit~au sa m~asculte.
Le~am spus blestemul meu ca te iubesc pe tine,
Desi~s inconjurata de mii de curtezani,
Nici unul n~a stiut flacara inimii cu foc a o intretine,
Si n~au stiut caldura din suflet a~mi darui,
Ca sa pasim spre nemurire.
E iarna, un alb imaculat ce a stiut a face,
Din lumi neimportante castele de clestar,
Stropite~n fulgi de nea cu sclipiri de briliante,
Magia Craciunului facut~a sa te simt,
pe deplin in preajma mea!
O, Doamne, te vad, te vad cum vii spre mine,
Cu bratele~ti intinse, purtand in ale tale maini,
Jumatea de lumina ce mi~a lipsit de~a pururi,
Si m~a facut stinghera, zburand prin lume doar hai hui.
Cand cele doua jumatati de suflet
Si~au contopit in absolut lumina,
Pamantul s~a cutremurat si oceanul a gemut,
Si cerbii~n codrii inceput~au a boncalui-nfocat si lupii in codrii a hauli.
Randuri de ingeri cu aripi stravezii de~ndat ne~au inconjurat,
Si ca pe fulgi pe noi ne~au ridicat in slavi,
Adusam catre vesnicie acum intregul ce~am cautat,
Putem sa aparem in fatza Domnului cu sufletul curat,
Prin dragostea de basm ce face sa~mfloreasca
in mii petale albe - aurii immaculate,
A noastre suflete mult incercate prin melaguri sihastre
Si unde doar nebunii ori luptatorii pe viata si pe moarte
Au indraznit a se opri, de veghe sta.
Cum te iubesc acum in vis
Te voi iubi la fel de mult
Chiar si in viata de dupa moarte.
by Lora Levitchi, March 21st, 2019
Lotus Flower Meaning and Symbolism
Anybody who has ever observed a lotus flower emerging from a murky pond cannot fail to see the beauty of this exquisite plant.
The flower always looks so clean and pure against the background of the dirty pond.
Because of this the lotus flower has come to be associated with purity and beauty in the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism respectively; the ancient Egyptians scholars observed that in the night-time the lotus closed its flowers and sank into the water, and came up with a different association with the flower related to rebirth and the Sun; in actual fact the Lotus slowly emerges from a pond over a three day period and then blooms in the morning until mid-afternoon.
It can therefore be assumed that the lotus flower meaning is different between cultures, though in fact they share many similarities.
I would like to explain three main groups, that is to say that of the ancient Egyptians, the Buddhists, and Hinduism.
Meaning of the Lotus Flower to the Ancient Egyptians
In ancient Egypt there were two main types of lotus that grew, the white, and the blue (scientifically a waterlily, but symbolically a lotus). Further to this another type, the pink lotus flower was introduced into Egypt sometime during the late period of their civilization. If one is to observe the many hieroglyphics, it is easy to see that the blue Lotus flower is the most commonly portrayed.
As mentioned in the introduction above about the meanings of the lotus flower, this plant is known to be associated with rebirth. This is a consequence of it supposedly retracting into the water at the night, and emerging a fresh in the Sun the next day (see the introduction for how a lotus plant actually comes into bloom). The Egyptians therefore associated the lotus flower with the sun which also disappeared in the night, only to re-emerge in the morning. Therefore the lotus came to symbolize the Sun and the creation. In many hieroglyphics works the lotus is depicted as emerging from Nun (the primordial water) bearing the Sun God.
As something that is associated with rebirth, it is no surprise that the lotus flower is also associated with death, and the famous Egyptian book of the dead is known to include spells that are able to transform a person into a lotus, thus allowing for resurrection.
Another interesting fact about the lotus flower meaning to the Egyptians was the way that it was used as a symbol for the unification of the two Egyptian kingdoms, that is to say the bonding of upper and lower Egypt. For a long time the lotus had been used in the hieroglyphics and art of upper Egypt, whereas in lower Egypt the Papyrus plant was notably in abundance. Therefore pictures of lotus and Papyrus that had grown up together and become inter-wound with each other came to be a symbol of the bringing together of the two kingdoms.
Lotus Flower Meaning in Buddhism
In Buddhism the lotus is known to be associated with purity, spiritual awakening and faithfulness. The flower is considered pure as it is able to emerge from murky waters in the morning and be perfectly clean. Therefore in common with Egyptian mythology the lotus is seen as a sign of rebirth, but additionally it is associated with purity. The breaking of the surface every morning is also suggestive of desire, this leads to it being associated with spiritual enlightenment.
As Buddhism stems from a different part of the world to Egyptology, there are many more colors of lotus to be seen. So it is not too surprising that the many different colors have come to be associated with different aspects of Buddhism. The main symbolism of the lotus flower and their meanings are given here.
1) The blue lotus flower : is associated with a victory of the spirit over that of wisdom, intelligence and knowledge. If you get to see it a blue Lotus in Buddhist art you will notice that it is always depicted as being partially open and the center is never observed.
2) White lotus flower : this color lotus is known to symbolize Bodhi (being awakened), and represents a state of mental purity, and that of spiritual perfection; it is also associated with the pacification of one’s nature. This lotus is considered to be the womb of the world.
3) Purple Lotus : known to be Mystic and is associated with esoteric sects. It can be shown depicted as either an open flower or as a bud. The eight petals of the purple Lotus are representative of the noble eightfold path; one of the principal teachings of the Buddha. Following this path is thought to lead to self awakening, and is considered one of the noble truths.
4) Pink lotus flower : this is the supreme lotus and is considered to be the true lotus of Buddha.
5) Red lotus : this is related to the heart, and the Lotus flower meaning is associated with that of love and compassion.
The Lotus Flower and its Meaning in Hinduism
Perhaps one of the strongest associations of the lotus flower with religion is that that is observed in Hinduism. In this religion the lotus flower meaning is associated with beauty, fertility, prosperity, spirituality, and eternity.
The most common lotus form seen in Hinduism is the white lotus flower.
Many of the gods and goddesses of Hinduism are linked to the flower, for example the goddess of prosperity, Laxmi, is usually depicted as being seated atop a fully opened lotus flower. Likewise Brahma, the god of creation is depicted as emerging from a lotus that crawls from the Naval of the sustainer Lord Vishnu.
As a lotus is able to emerge from Muddy Waters un-spoilt and pure it is considered to represent a wise and spiritually enlightened quality in a person; it is representative of somebody who carries out their tasks with little concern for any reward and with a full liberation from attachment.
It is very interesting how the open flower and the unopened Lotus bud forms are associated with human traits. The unopened bud is representative of a folded soul that has the ability to unfold and open itself up to the divine truth.
It is hoped that you now have a better understanding of the lotus flower meaning across the three major cultures in which it is known to play (or have played) a major role. It is no wonder that these civilizations, have found wonderment in such a beautiful flower.