Flip Student Recruitment
A collaboration between students and GradSift. Introducing GradSift Talent, an employment platform that flips student recruitment on its head. Think LinkedIn , except designed for students and graduates.
Recruitment is an arduous process for students.
Multiple job applications, time-consuming assessments, little feedback and only a 3% chance of being hired into a large employer program. There’s a limit to the number of programs or job ads anyone will apply to.
We’ve been working with student teams to devise a better way. Their solution is GradSift Talent, where career-related opportunities come to them. No job application, just a single registration.
It’s where employers, large or small, discover students in real time using our advanced matching algorithm and comprehensive user profiles. They decide who is a good fit and reach out. No sifting through hundreds of applications.
The technology is proven, transparent, increases diversity and is already used by government and corporate employers for their internal student programs.
It just makes sense, doesn’t it?
So here’s a call out to recruiters and careers advisors.
Most people are happy to recommend LinkedIn as a resource to students. We hope that will now extend to GradSift Talent, as a specialist career resource for students and graduates.
Here’s another insight from our student teams.
When unsuccessful applicants receive the generic “reject” email regardless of how encouraging it is, it leaves them flat. But what if the employer included practical suggestions to help in their career?
Our student teams proposed employers refer their unsuccessful applicants to "take a look" at GradSift Talent. Not as an endorsement but as a resource referral.
A single sentence at the end of the reject email that gives them hope.
Instead of feeling flat, it would lift their confidence and importantly their appreciation of the employer as a caring organization. When you think about it, it’s simple but so powerful.
LinkedIn made it easier for professionals to be found by employers. GradSift Talent is doing the same for students and graduates.
Reach out if you’d like learn more about GradSift Talent or sharing it with your network of students. https://au.gradsift.com/gradsift-talent/