Flip the Script: How to Rewrite A Bad Day
Ever noticed how one little change can set off a chain reaction that shakes up your whole day?
Seriously, it's crazy how something as small as a negative thought, or a random comment from someone's grumpy mood can turn a great start, into a bad day.
Think about it - ever had one of those mornings where you woke up on the wrong side of the bed?
>> Maybe you spilled your coffee, missed your bus, or your child had a stage 5 meltdown over his corn flakes (true story! lol).
And then, BAM!
That bad mood tags along like a dark cloud,?messing with your interactions and choices all day long.
It's like that one negative morning experience defines ALL the experiences of your day.
And your thoughts then decide to throw a party and invite all your complaining friends?in to gripe all day.
On the flip side have you also noticed how one tiny 'thank you' or a kind compliment can turn things around and give your mood a 180-degree boost.?
It's like a burst of sunshine breaking through the clouds.
Suddenly, you're smiling, your steps feel lighter, and you're ready to take on the world!
But here's the cool part. We do have a choice; you can choose to react and response, OR NOT.
We often feel like we have NO CONTROL over they day, our mood or emotions. So we go on reacting and responding to everyone and everything around us.?
Imagine what could happen if we stopped giving the negative experience, thought or comment energy??
Here's a few examples of how to flip the script in your mind and rewrite the day:
->?Your spill your coffee?-?old thought:?"I am such and idiot, I don't have time for this, this is going to ruin my day!" (self-criticism)
New thought:?"Woops, well that is annoying - I'll go change now." (compassion)
You encounter someone who is rude/grumpy - old thought:?"What a jerk, how dare they speak to me like that, why did they have to X - I'm so mad!" (transferred anger)
New thought:?"Wow,?they?must be having a rough day" (deflect the emotion)
Missed the bus - old thought:?"Oh great, now I'm late and today is going to hell." (frustration)
New thought:?"That's ok, I'll just have to get the next one - nothing else I can do." (acceptance)
And, for the women who just feel like they wake up on the "wrong side of the bed" every day ...
Learn to Thrive ?my morning journal is the ONLY answer for that!
Here's why:
Every day you have the opportunity to?rewrite your day, by following the prompts to set an intention for your day.
You begin your day with?his simple intention affirmation:
"Today I will .... "
By creating an intention for your day you flip the script and become the writer, instead of the audience. I know it seems TOO SIMPLE to be true, but it works.?
Try it, and see?
Ask yourself this:
What is my intention for this week? What quality do I want to bring into today?
I help busy founders & coaches grow on their brand & business on LinkedIn in 90 days with organic marketing
1 年Love this article Janel. A little change in how we respond to a particular situation can really change how the day goes.