Before we all (humans) commit to our beds, from religious point of view; we die to resurrect the next moment when we amongst the living?
On the fateful day of 21st of April 2019, a blessed Sunday in Accra Ghana. We rose up to the news of our beloved and highly respected Head of all Muslims in Ghana, respectfully addressed as the National Chief Imam of Ghana (NCIG), His Spiritual Eminence: Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu visit to a Church. We learnt with great joy, happiness, excitement, ecstasy and extreme pride of Mallam (at this juncture out of revere and awe: Mallam refers to His Spiritual Eminence: Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu) due on the 23rd April 2019 to chalk a CENTENARY of life on earth. Mallam is 100 years old and left a life of humility and service to all humanity and the world at large.
The management or handlers of Mallam drew a series of events and programs to celebrate the life of this great servant of God Almighty, to drum the virtues and Good conducts that Mallam is noted and known of. I can't jump the gun nor be put before the horse, because I can't and will never be able to outline Mallam's virtues and qualities. Books and volumes of such publications would run short of ink and space. Fortunately, we are blessed to have had a compilation of Mallam's life, experiences, journey, struggles, virtues, attributes, manners, initiatives and activities, good morals and more into a Book yet to be launched: titled "A Gift to a Nation, Biography of Dr. Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu" by Tamimu Issah. Personally I think it's a MUST GET AND READ BOOK (Kindly get me one, a humble request).
Kindly let's get back to the substance and primary purpose of this drafted flip to the other side of Mallam's visit to Christ the king Parish, Accra. Please permit me to quote what the Church at the Centre of the visit wrote on their Facebook page yesterday: the 21st of April 2019.
Quote Starts:
"CHRIST THE KING PARISH, ACCRA (5:38PM; 21st April 2019).
Today, Sunday, 21st April, 2019, Ghana’s National Chief Imam, Sheikh Osman Nuhu Sharubutu joined faithful’s of Christ the King Catholic Church for Mass to mark his 100th birthday anniversary which falls on Tuesday, 23 April 2019.
God bless the Chief Imam and all our Muslims brothers and sisters.
God bless the Catholic Church. God Bless Ghana.
Happy Easter"
Quote Ended.
The essence and need of the above quote is to attempt to answer a critical question core to almost every Muslim and concerned Muslim aftermath the presence of Mallam in the church on that particular Sunday. Personally, the statement tries to disassociate Mallam from worship with the Church which with all sincerity is the case. Let me Categorically state, Mallam did not go there to worship nor partake in the Easter celebrations, rather Mallam humble honored a genuine invitation granted him (this would be tackled exhaustively: In Shaa Allah, God Willing).
Let me try collating or gathering the various valid and vital divergent views, opinions or disagreement poured out from all Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Amongst such views or discerning comments I have come across are not limited to the following:
1. Why did Mallam worship with the Christians on the faithful of their celebration of Easter (death and resurrection of Christ)?
2. Was it worth celebrating his birthday at the church?
3. What message is he sending to those in authorities in instances young Muslims in school are forced to go for church services?
4. Did he not exonerate Vice President Mahmudu Bawumia's going to church for thanks giving.
5. He has contravene the teachings and beliefs of Islam and made us a ridicule.
6. He engaged in the church services and was prayed for by the reverend father.
7. He has committed shirk (The extremes in views).
8. Other important comments touching on how Muslims are called on to accept Jesus has the lord and personal savior. And the likes.
Personally I’ve listened to a renowned Islamic scholar (name withheld) in trying to give his personal opinion on Mallam's visit to the church quoting this cardinal prove of test (from the Noble Qur’an) on verifying statements before commenting.
Qur'an Chapter 49: Verse 6.
"O you who believe! If a rebellious evil person comes to you with a news, verify it, lest you harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful to what you have done."
My issue with this renowned Islamic scholar is that, in attempting to verify the statement as indeed Chief Imam was at the church to worship, he resorted to media houses reports and based his acceptance of Mallam's Presence at the church and purpose to worship solely on what the media houses skewly reported. I see double standard and not going to the actual source of verification which should have been the Office of the National Chief Imam or the Christ the King Parish management? Hence it is my strong opinions that, the learned Sheikh has not done justice to the above quoted Verse in all sincerity.
Kindly allow me to now report on my verification of how the visit of the church came about. Before that, I wish to state my instant reaction to the news of the National Chief Imam in church accompanied with pictures. I instantly reflected on the following:
1. Amongst the Thousands of churches in Accra and Ghana, why did Mallam choose Christ the King Parish?
2. Did Mallam go on his own accord to the Church?
3. Was Mallam invited to the Church?
4. What is the relationship of Mallam and this particular Reverend Father Campbell (hope I had his name correct)?
5. What was Mallam's intention of going to the Church?
6. My little and shallow understanding of Islam though, yet I saw nothing wrong with his visit and presence in that Church.
7. I found solace in number of verses in the Noble Qur'an, analogy on some Hadiths, precedence in Islamic history, and the fact that Mallam is a learned of the highest repute.
I think I can now go ahead to report on my investigation and verification of the visit? Below are some crucial revelations and findings made to me.
1. Mallam’s visit to the Christ the King Parish Church was an invitation extended by the Reverend Father Campbell to him.
2. The reason was to honor Mallam whom he has taken as his father in the presence of his congregation and to celebrate his life, and to as well celebrate Mallam's chalked 100 years.
3. Mallam accepted to attend the invitation and made it known that he would not spend more than 15 minutes because he has equally important commitments to honor.
4. Really truly Upon Mallam and his entourage arrival at the Church, they were welcomed and ushered in amidst surprise.
5. Mallam was introduced to the congregation and presented with a birthday gift.
6. A short mass was held for Mallam.
7. Mallam was allowed some time to speak to the congregation.
8. Mallam preached to the congregation and quoted at least three verses of the Noble Qur'an in the Church to the congregants.
9. I'm reliable informed Mallam spent not more than 20 minutes and left for his other commitments for the day.
10. On that very blessed day, Mallam had calls from international media houses key amongst them was the BBC wishing to know more about his visit to the Church and acknowledging the visit as one of its kind in the whole world. Likewise, local media houses called and interviewed Sheikh Armiyaw Shuaib (spokesperson for Chief Imam) on Mallam's visit to the church.
11. On the relationship existing between Mallam and Reverend Father Campbell, am told is one of confidentially and one of extreme respect of Father and son. Some conversations are better left untold neither divulged.
12. Am also reliable informed that Reverend Father Campbell delayed his departure to his country just to honor Mallam whom he so much admires and highly respect.
13. As I said earlier, the constructive criticism and divergent views shared by most Muslims are valid and personally think it should be encouraged in a respectful, cordial, intellectual and praiseworthy manner. I must at this point acknowledge a good Sister who indeed engaged me on this discourse with her facts, reasons and logic. She’s (Sis Emaan) did great and I admired her a lot. Also have to acknowledge my Good Brother (Hajj Mubashir), an affable friend, and a long unheard from University mate.
As a young person in the business world, I would sound foolish and stupid if I ignore the keys to a successful Goals Achievement: Planning, Strategizing, and Execution. They might have had their plan well strategized and excellently executed to perfection. Let me be quick to add that, Perspective and Exposure is key to this discussion. Perspective because it explains how we appreciate the issue and our biases in appreciation of the issues. Exposure is beyond knowledge or know-how, but how we live our comfort zone to dig beyond what we already know or seems apparent in other to avail people the Truth and hard Facts devoid of sentiments.
Authored and Composed By: Ismail M. Kailani.
Dated: 22nd April 2019 (Monday).