Flip Flopping Fish ??
Hey you, stop flip flopping!
Yeah i said it, stop acting like a silly fish and get back in the water…
Skylar, what the fu*k are you talking about?
I’m talking about your desire to spend copious amounts of time flipping between regretting your past and dreading your future…?
My friend, it’s time to make amends
With yourself, your family, friends and whoever the eff caused you pain
Which turned into trauma…
Which turned into regret…
Which turned into fear of what “could” happen…
This is the mental state that YOU and a lot of other people float between.
(Including myself sometimes)
The thing is, it doesn’t serve you…
Unless you like serving yourself a big ol’ can of victim soup.
If you don’t enjoy this stressful battle between manic paranoia and depressive lows…
YOU have an answer for yourself…
Wait? Me?
Yes YOU, the only one who can make amends with that which you haven’t made amends with…
Well how do I do that?
It’s quite simple really, but our conditioning likes to make it complex.
Are ya ready for it?
That’s it…
You have to make the conscious decision to be aware of yourself.
To take inventory of your moods, thought patterns and emotional state…
The best way I have found this is through journaling.
Quiet time where me, myself and I observe the silly bullshit happening inside…
So grab your pen and paper, or laptop and fingers and take inventory of what’s happening inside.
It may not be “FUN” or “EASY”…
It sure as heck beats serving yourself victim soup until the day you die.