The Flight of Loomex Air Flight # 8631
Trent Gervais AAE , CMMIII, EMP
President and CEO,-The Loomex Group Ltd/Explorer Solutions US/ACF Associates Inc.
Over the last eight years Loomex Air's "Jet Star" Emergency Exercise Jet Simulator has crashed several times a year. The fictitious airline belongs to the Loomex Group's Training and Consuting Division. Emergency exercise's are mandated by Transport Canada for all certified airport's in Canada. For airports that take emergency exercises seriously they exercise because they see it as a prime opportunity to work together with reponse agencies and partners in a practice setting as opposed to the real thing. After-action reports are created for airports and reponders to take the opportunity to look at what worked well, and what areas in the emergency response plan may need some changes. Using the Jet Simulator provides responders with the opportunity to practice on an aircraft. Although I would never recommending taking Loomex Air Flgiht # 8631, I would encourage airports, responders and airlines to take emergency exercises seriously. I would rather be critizied for being overprepared then not prepared at all.