Flight Levels within a crisis

Flight Levels within a crisis

In the face of a crisis, business agility is no longer optional. Many companies are not only struggling with new ways of working but also adapting to unprecedented changes. Now, more than ever, we need guidelines, ideas, and inspiration. For me, these are provided by the Flight Levels model designed by Klaus Leopold. It’s not a silver bullet to inject business agility in your organization. It is something more useful - a thinking model that will enable you to perceive your organization from different perspectives. 

The Flight Level model is a communication instrument to identify the effect of specific improvements at the various levels within the organization and to discover where within the organization it makes sense and/or is possible to leverage improvements.” Klaus Leopold

There’s the team level ( Flight Level 1 – Operational), above this, there are the ways that teams interact or don’t (Flight Level 2 – Coordination), and at the top, there is a level at which strategic planners decide what ideas get started and which get discarded (Flight Level 3 – Strategic Portfolio Management). This isn't a hierarchy. One is not better or more important than another. It's just different ways of looking at the system that gives different views into how it's working, or not working.

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In preparation for a Flight Club Webinar, I was running mental exercise and I pictured myself in the three different positions within an organization, just to find more ideas on how the Flight Levels model may be useful.

Following Klaus’s way of thinking, the simplest thing that could possibly work at each Flight Level involves four familiar activities: visualize the situation, create focus, establish agile interactions, measure progress. I will get through all of them just to give you some hints about what can work where and why during a crisis situation.

Let’s start from Flight Level 1: Operational

“At Flight Level 1, the teams involved in the operational work separate the tasks of the project/initiative into smaller packets and are focused on delivering them.”.

Let’s start with some basic ideas regarding how to help your teams work better.

VISUALIZE: Working as distributed individuals (not even teams anymore) means that now, more than ever, we need to be clear about our process. How?

  • Visualize the work in a way that everyone in the team can understand it without words.
  • Make sure that everyone in the team has a common understanding of the workflow. If not, run a short session to simplify and standardize their ways of working.
  • Ensure clear and transparent team policies, so no one has to think twice before they pull new work into the system. 
  • Check if your team has explored other ways of working and visualizing, too? Especially if they are closely cooperating with each other.

LIMITING WIP: For teams that work with WIP limits, it is worth revisiting them and checking if they need adjustments to the new reality. If you work in an organization where work is pushed rather than pulled into the system, it’s time to consider implementing WIP limits. Your goal here is to balance the capacity and demand for your team to create focus. If you used to argue about the need for limiting WIP, I bet that current circumstances may help you to convince everyone to try this experiment. 

FEEDBACK LOOPS: All the ceremonies, meetings, events, etc. that used to happen in your office are still needed. Probably, even with a higher frequency. However, there are a few aspects worth considering:

  • Refreshing the format and flow to accommodate new circumstances. For example, maybe more attention should be allocated around new dependencies that appeared in the last weeks? Or maybe the team’s morale needs some lifting? 
  • Observe the information flow within your team. Is everyone involved? How do introverts deal with this situation?
  • Review tools that you use for gathering feedback, e.g. is a slack channel the best place to have a conversation? Maybe it will be more valuable to talk more often, rather than text with other team members? Are there any additional online tools that can improve the team’s collaboration?
  • Review all the current meetings and see if new or more feedback loops are needed.
  • If teams around treat retros and standups as a waste of time, it may be a perfect time for you to show them the true value of these practices?
  • Good metrics can be an ideal feedback loop. If your teams were afraid of data, try to encourage them by showing how data can help them to understand their capabilities and make aware individual decisions.

Move to Flight Level 2: Coordination

“At Flight Level 2, the focus is on breaking down the chosen projects and initiatives into actionable pieces and coordinating the work with the participating operational units.”

It’s time to connect the lonely agile islands. Again, we are using the same key activities:

VISUALIZE: Not only teams should visualize their work. At Flight Level 2, it’s important that FL2 representatives are capable of seeing all the value streams in one place, for example, at the product board. Visual management helps to coordinate work between teams and translates the company strategy to deliverable products. Apart from the visualizing process, FL2 focuses on removing dependencies and the management of dependencies that cannot be removed. If you feel lost, try to:

  • Revisit your product board and get updated on the current company strategy. Refresh the product board with other FL2 representatives. Make sure that your current product board reflects reality and the new strategy.
  • Do you miss any key information from teams that operate on FL1 to make crucial decisions or to coordinate work between them? What is the definition of the key minimum information that you need from FL1 delegates?
  • Meet with teams that operate on FL1 and agree on the improvements (if needed) for the visualization management. What is the key information that you need to have in order to decide about the new batch of work for the team?
  • Is there any team that doesn’t visualize their work? Meet with them and help them to change it. In order to coordinate work between teams, you need to understand what is happening inside each of them.
  • What are the current internal and external blockers that teams deal with? 
  • Did your bottleneck move in past weeks? Where is it right now?
  • Are there any new dependencies? Which teams are dependent on which other teams for what and how often? To have a deeper understanding of all the interactions between teams, try to map them. 

LIMITING WIP: Limiting Work in Process triggers many discussions and may lead to misunderstandings (e.g. our WIP = 3, so now we should reject all the new ideas to never break the limit). There are a few actions that you could do right now on the FL2 to make sure you utilize WIP limits or that your teams are comfortable with the current state:

  • Revisit both the team’s and the organization’s capacity as a whole. Did any of the WIP limits change recently? How does it affect the delivery system as a whole?
  • What is the company goal right now? How can WIP limits help to achieve it?
  • Why is there so much or so little work in the process? 
  • Is there any team that just introduced WIP limits? Do other teams know? Are they impacted?
  • Or maybe your teams never used WIP limits. Look for ways to introduce WIP limited systems across the whole organization, to avoid suboptimization.

FEEDBACK LOOPS: If your Flight Level 2 only consisted of managers screaming at each other or of individuals driven by their own agendas, it’s high time to change as these are dangerous paths to follow. I think that only companies where everyone is looking in the same direction are able to survive and disrupt the market. So try to:

  • Inspect your current ways of communicating with other FL2 representatives. Do you run daily standups? Retros? Plannings? Reviews? If not, try to figure out which meeting will be the most valuable for you to start. Decide who should take part in them and why. Adjust the frequency to the needs and observe what works for you and what doesn’t.
  • Do you invite FL1 representatives to your planning session? If not, start doing this :) Help teams to understand what is going on. Right now, all changes happen faster than usual. Make sure that everyone keeps up.
  • Rethink the way you coordinate work between teams. How do you ensure that everyone works on the right thing at the right time?
  • Are there any new dependencies and blockers that you should take into consideration to make the best possible decisions?
  • Did your company strategy change during the past weeks? Do you understand what the top priorities are right now? If not, schedule a meeting with FL3, asap. Annual plannings in the middle of a crisis won’t work. Even quarterly or monthly plannings may be too long.
  • Do your teams use metrics? If yes, what do they measure? Do you have a common understanding across the organization what should be measured? How do you make sure that the amount of work that goes through the system is optimal? How do you measure the progress towards strategy execution?

For me working at FL2 is like being a postman - I have to make sure that everyone gets their mail on time and knows what’s going on. My mission is to avoid chaos between individuals (FL1) and the main post office that sends letters (FL3).

Finally to the top Flight Level 3: Strategic Portfolio Management

Here we get to the (in many cases) least agile teams in the organization. I say it a bit sarcastically, as very often many delegates of this level perceive agile as a way of working for the teams below them. However, the current circumstances force top management to apply the agile way of working. First of all, those beautiful annual plans with nice graphs that are sitting in Excel sheets are not up to date anymore. Second of all, (I think) for the first time, the agile work style is not reserved only for development teams, but it has to spread throughout the whole organization. And just like that a lot of companies, no matter if they want it or not, are in the middle of an agile transformation.

“At Flight Level 3, the focus is on prioritizing upcoming projects and initiatives according to the strategic direction of the company. “

So what is there to do? Let's follow the same techniques that work at other levels:

VISUALIZE: We all heard about the company strategy. But not everyone sees it :) It’s like a mythical creature that lives in Excel, but it’s too scary for many to unleash. Now, an overview of everything that happens within the company is crucial. How?

  • Start with visualizing the current company strategy. Involve everyone who is engaged in the strategy creation or the execution process. Investing too much time in such an uncertain future may be a waste. Of course, it is good to have a high-level vision, but the time to get into details will come later. 
  • If you come across misunderstandings or discover new steps during the process of creating the strategy board, take your time to talk about it. Maybe your board doesn't reflect reality.
  • Try to find answers to key questions: What does your Upstream process look like? What do you want it to look like right now? How do you assess which initiatives should be worked on next? How do you judge which initiative contributes to the strategy and which doesn't? 
  • If it’s the first time that your company has a strategy board, make sure that it’s understood by everyone at FL 2 and FL 1.

LIMITING WIP: In many organizations, even having a conversation about limiting the number of new projects, products, or initiatives, was very problematic. However, nowadays some of the companies understand that delivering all the products may be just pure waste. It’s a bit harder to predict market trends right now. Use this situation as an invitation to experiment with WIP limits. Especially given that right now, there is an even higher pressure on time to market. If you want to deliver faster (shorter cycles time) you have to limit your work in process. Creating a pull system enables the organization to make decisions just in time when capacity becomes available. If you work in the environment, when FL3 never had any long conversation with FL2 delegates about team capacity, is about time to change it.

FEEDBACK LOOPS: If you work in an organization where there is no dialog between people who do the work and those who manage it on the top level, then it’s the right time to change. If you want your whole organization to be aligned with the strategy, a good point to start is to involve delegates from each level in the cycle. Having a strategy board is not enough. Currently, the ability to make quick and well-informed business decisions is key. So you could try with:

  • Strategic Portfolio Standup to track progress and make important decisions when they are needed, rather than wait for the long meeting next month. 
  • Retrospectives to improve collaboration and adjust ways of working to the new dynamic reality.
  • Look for ways to build a better collaboration model with delegates from FL1 and FL2 to be informed about the challenges they are facing or the progress they are making. On FL3 it is important to have true and confirmed information. Not only ask for good news but also for the bad news. 
  • Strategy Review to find out if you’re working on the right product at the right time and track the progress. What are the results of the new strategy? Is the current strategy helping to achieve the business goals? Is your strategy still up to date or did new circumstances change it completely? What actions are taken by our competitors? Were there any market changes that we should take into consideration with our strategy execution? What opportunities are emerging as a result of the crisis?

I hope that some of the suggestions above will inspire you to take action. For more, please visit the Flight Levels Academy page, reach me, or signup to our Flight Levels waitinglist to be among the first one workshop attendees.

Ps. The webinar recording should be available here in a few days :)

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