Flight Attendant Saves The Day!
I flew into Los Angeles a few days ago, and boy, my arms are tired (LOL)
Anyway, it was a rough landing.
The plane came down hard on the runway and caused the aircraft to bounce. You'll hear the moans of scared and unhappy people when that happens.
But not this time.
The flight attendant started cracking jokes the moment we took off and even got a round of applause after completing the safety instruction speech before takeoff.
The moment that plane hit the runway, the flight attendant was back on the speakerphone. He started making horse-galloping sounds and saying, "Whoa, horsey! Slow down. Slow down, horsey."
As the plane's wheels finally touched down, the pilot hit the brakes we all thrust forward in our seats.
Again, as if on cue, the flight attendant started making the sounds of a horse galloping down the fairway again.
Suddenly, instead of fear or anger, everyone broke into collective laughter, instantly lightening the mood.
I never saw a crowd shift so fast from one extreme mood to another.
While exiting the plane, I complimented that flight attendant and told him how impressive that was. He just smiled and said thanks.
Then I thought, "If he can make us laugh over something that scary, how can I keep that going in my life?"
So now, when I'm worried or stressed about something, I find a way to make it amusing or silly. It might take a few tries, but it makes the situation feel lighter.
Here are three ways to bring more humor to your day:
No rules say we must feel stressed, so the next time you feel pressure, bring humor to the situation.
Laughter truly is the best medicine.
:) Tim Shurr
P.S. You're just one belief away from feeling better!
Need more than a good laugh? Use this program to free you from the pain you're experiencing. https://www.happyandsuccessful.me