Do you know much about the flicker effect? Do you know how modern lights can cause this to occur in you? Are energy-saving LED lights making many people ill with diseases that doctors blame on other causes?
Watch this video with Dr. Alexander Wunsch. Click on that hyperlink. I feel he is my brother from another mother who lives in Germany.
THE FLICKER EFFECT: LED lights can cause massive disruptions in the brain and few people seem to know it. The sun inside a helicopter can cause the same problem for helicopter pilots. This is why they are taught not to look up when it is a bright sunny day. I personally believe this brainstem light effect is the most common cause of migraines and vertigo in people with Meniere's disease and with transient ischemic attacks (TIA). A bright intense light that is pulsed can cause Bucha's effect. This phenomenon has been observed during helicopter flight; a Dr. Bucha identified the phenomenon in the 1950's when called upon to investigate a series of similar and unexplained helicopter crashes. "Flicker vertigo" in a helicopter occurs when the pilot or front passenger looks up through the blades of the main rotor as it turns in the sun causing the light to strobe. The strobe light effect can cause persons who are vulnerable to flicker vertigo to experience symptoms such as:
- Become disoriented and/or nauseated
2. Blink rapidly and this causes acute tearing or chronic dry eye
3. Experience rapid eye movements behind closed eyelids
4. Lose control of fine motor functions
5. Experience muscle rigidity.
6. Chronic muscle pulls and hamstring issues from chronic dehydration associated with a low sulfated Vitamin D3 level.
I have seen people misdiagnosed with migraines and Meniere's disease for years and I believe most of them are suffering from the flicker effect of modern man-made light. When I was working with some professional football players I was convinced that this effect was linked to the concussion rate after head trauma in a football game. I still remember Terrell Davis getting severe attacks of migraine headaches before the Super Bowl in the late 1990's and learning that he was in a dark room with the fluorescent light that was being dimmed by a Lutron switch all week before the game. Lutron switches induce flicker because of how they modulate the AC current.
No one was making these connections back then, but the data was in the literature. Players who spent a lot of time looking at the film in dark rooms whom light was frequency modulated had an unreal risk of developing some of these symptoms. Those who play video games and use virtual reality gaming at night are really at risk for problems and symptoms related to the flicker effect. Many new PBM light like JOOV and Platinum panels induce huge flicker effects. The same is true with some photobiomodulation beds (THOR). Many NFL teams have now put their playbooks on iPads and the iPad screen has massive flicker effects when the screen brightness is altered. We still see some players suffer from chronic muscle complaints and no one appears to want to believe that modulated light by dimmers can cause a flicker effect in the CNS to affect different parts of the body that the CNS innervates.
We know that flicker can cause photosensitive seizures (1997 Pokeman incident) but I believe it causes a variety of symptoms in people with variable redox potentials in their CNS. As part of their normal operation, fluorescent lamps flash on and off very rapidly – CFLs ‘flicker’ at a rate of more than 20,000 times per second, modern linear fluorescent tubes at more than 5000 times per second, and older style linear fluorescents at 100 times per second. Fluorescent lights and LED lights are always found in professional gyms, sports team facilities, and in film rooms. Most use them because they believe they are energy efficient but they have no idea they are harming the redox potential of their star athletes. Light from these sources penetrates the skin directly to cause damage to muscle below as the picture below shows.
As these bulbs age, the manufactured flicker rates vary widely. Most bulbs are not replaced regularly so in the modern human environment the eye is seeing flicker rates that can interrupt neuron functioning. This effect is not well known by MD's or neurologists and most patients have no idea what triggers their symptoms. I have found people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) are most afflicted with this syndrome and this links it to a poor CNS redox. These rates of flickering are well above the level detectable by the human brain. A related crowd-control device was invented by Charles Bovill, which "employed a combination of ultrasonic waves and strobe lights to induce acute discomfort, sickness, disorientation and sometimes epilepsy." I think a modern workday environment is a form of employee control when light frequencies are modulated by dimmers and by a computer. I believe professional sports teams are ignorant of all these effects but the results of all these muscle-skeletal injuries have increased exponentially since they have embraced technology which uses modulated light for any reason.
With a simple test with my Iphone I recorded slow motion of an LED replacement of an incandescent bulb. I verified it was pulsing faster than the human eye can recognize. This is commonly referred to as "multiplexing" in solid state displays - which can be applied from stereos to televisions to LED lighting and the frequency is typically not published